domenica 25 gennaio 2015

The Rebel by C.J. Archer

Cole's heart is dark. 

He's a mystery, even to those closest to him in the Assassins Guild. All anyone really knows for sure is that he's ruthless, grim, and cares little for his own life. So when he loses his memory during an attack and thinks himself a naive eighteen year-old again, no one can really believe the transformation. But as his memory returns, so do the nightmares and the dark reality of who he has become. 
Lucy's world is bright. 
When gentle-natured Lucy falls in love with the damaged stranger, she thinks him a smiling, amiable gentleman. But rumors of a murder in the nearby village have her suspecting that her patient may be hiding a terrible secret. 
Can opposites really attract? 
What will happen when Cole regains his memory and his past catches up to him? 

I expected a little bit more from this book and Cole and Lucy's story.
The fact that he was part of the Assassins Guild had made me hope maybe in some more action and adventure perhaps, but so it was.
 Cole's mysterious past, which he keeps hidden even to thohistorical called his friends, is very intriguing and discover what happened to him,thanks to flashbacks that come to mind with nightmares was a nice idea of author and helped keep alive the interest while I was reading it.
Lucy is a very cute character, sometimes funny, but especially courageous and strong-minded, but something didn't impressed me towards them as a couple.
If I have to be honest I was more curious about the other components of the Assassins Guild and I would love to read their stories.
Thanks to Netgalley and C.J.Archer for the book.

RATING: 3 stelle

TITLE: The Rebel
AUTHOR: C.J. Archer
SERIES: Assassins Guild #2

The books in the Assassins Guild series are: 
#1 The Charmer 
#2 The Rebel 
#3 The Saint 
#4 The Sinner

Mi aspettavo qualcosina di più da questo libro e dalla storia di Cole e Lucy.
Il fatto che lui facesse parte dell'Assassins Guild mi aveva fatto sperare forse in un po' più di azione e avventura forse, ma così non è stato.
Il passato misterioso di Cole, che lui tiene nascosto anche a quelli che si reputano suoi amici, è molto intrigante e scoprire cosa gli era successo grazie a dei flashback che gli tornano alla mente grazie a degli incubi è stata una bella idea della autrice e ha aiutato a mantenere vivo l'interesse durante la lettura.
Lucy è un personaggio molto carino, a volte divertente, ma soprattutto coraggiosa e decisa, ma qualcosa non è scattato dentro di me nei loro confronti come coppia.
Se devo essere onesta mi hanno incuriosito più gli altri componenti della Assassins Guild e mi piacerebbe leggere le loro storie.
Ringrazio Netgalley e C.J.Archer per il libro.

VOTO: 3 stelle

TITOLO: The Rebel
AUTRICE: C.J. Archer
SERIE: Assassins Guild #2

Claiming His Mate by Savannah Stuart

She thought the house was empty when she broke in…

When jaguar shifter Lauren Hayes breaks into an alpha’s home to steal back what rightfully belongs to her pride, she doesn’t expect to be tackled by Max McCray, second-in-command of the Kincaid wolf pack. As punishment for her crime the sexy wolf shifter demands that she stay with him for one week. Knowing she’ll start a war between her pride and his pack if she doesn’t, she has no other choice but to agree, even if the thought of being near him 24/7 makes her scared that she won’t be able to hide her growing attraction to him.

Now he has a week to make her his…

Max has waited months to make a move on the sexy jaguar shifter and now that she’s broken shifter rules, he’s not letting her go. He doesn’t care that he’s a wolf and she’s a jaguar, claiming her forever is the only thing that matters. Unfortunately, not everyone likes the idea of him being with a feline shifter. Max is forced to choose sides between Lauren and members of the pack he’s sworn allegiance to in order to protect the woman he knows is his destined mate.

Short story set in the realities of the shifters. Lauren is the alpha's little daughter of the jaguar pack, while Max is the right-hand man in the Kincaid wolf pack..
The story is nice, even if it doesn't add anything new to the world of shifters, however I read it well, the plot is smooth and full eroticism and sensuality as often happens in stories of these paranormal romance creatures.
I liked especially Max and his behavior with Lauren. He deceides to conquer her and he has the right opportunity when she gets caught stealing in the home of the  wolves pack leader, bnotte choose not to abuse his role.
It's a pair with a good chemistry together and I regret only that the brevity of the story has not been able to give them more space, exploring the story.
Thanks to Netgalley and Crushstar Multimedia LLC.

RATING: 3 stars

TITLE: Claiming His Mate
AUTHOR: Savannah Stuart
SERIES: Crescent Moon # 2
PUBLISHER: Crushstar Multimedia LLC

Racconto breve ambientato nella realtà degli shifters (mutaforma). Lauren è la figlia più piccola del capo branco dei giaguari, mentre Max è il braccio destro del branco di lupi dei Kincaid.
La storia è carina, anche se non aggiunge niente di nuovo al mondo degli shifters, però si legge bene, è scorrevole e carica di erotismo e sensualità come spesso accade nelle storie che di queste creature paranormal romance.
Mi è piaciuto soprattutto Max e il suo comportamento con Lauren. Decide di conquistarla e ha l'occasione giusta quando lei viene colta in flagrante a rubare in casa del capo branco dei lupi, ma comunque decide di non abusare del suo ruolo.
È una coppia on una bella chimica insieme e mi spiace solo che per la brevità del racconto non si sia potuto dar loro più spazio, approfondendone la storia.
Ringrazio Netgalley e la Crushstar Multimedia LLC per il libro.

VOTO: 3 stelle

TITOLO: Claiming His Mate
AUTRICE: Savannah Stuart
SERIE: Crescent Moon #2
EDITORE: Crushstar Multimedia LLC

venerdì 16 gennaio 2015

A Gentleman 'Til Midnight by Alison DeLaine

The complication they don't want…...

Lady Katherine Kinloch survived captivity once. Now the notorious captain of her own ship, she refuses to let anyone jeopardize her hard-won freedom. But on a voyage to England to fight for her family's endangered estate, Katherine is thrown off course when she unknowingly rescues celebrated naval captain James Warre…, a man who stands for everything she despises.

The passion they desperately need...…

Haunted by regret for his role in her dark past, James is determined to be more than the cold, calculating officer Katherine expects. Her seduction is his obsession, but his pride hangs in the balance if he gives in to temptation. And hiding beneath the scorching attraction between them lies a secret that could force the two apart for good.

Nice story, compelling and with a beautiful heroine and a nearly worthy male protagonist.
Almost, because I believe that in this book the character of Lady Katherine is really at a higher level in comparison to James.
Why did I love so much Lady Katherine? For her fierce independence and desire for freedom, her strength and her pride. After being kidnapped in her youth and became a slave in a distant country, she could have let go to self-pity and instead she managed to live through this experience and see the positive side of that period of her life and once found the freedom she choose to live a life full of risks, but on her own terms. One of the few women at the helm of her boat, after gaining the respect of her men.
She's so much brave and choose to venture into a completely unknown ground for her and claim her title and her lands for the sake of her daughter.
James is the man that Lady Katherine hates the most in the world, she thinks somehow he's guilty for her captivity in the past and when fate does cross their paths she is determined to retaliate and make him pay. And instead she discovers that perhaps he is the only one with which she will be able to ally in order to be accepted in the salons of the Ton.
She is surprised by him, he doesn't seem to be the ruthless man she always imagined and one more small problem, the two feels for Eschilo other  a deep attraction that can't be denied.
I didn't want to demean James before, is certainly quite a character himself, although he makes a few error in his valutations, but it definitely has his charms: he's sexy, dominant, but adorable and very tender and protective with Katherine's daughter and he helps to create the right contrast that makes it more interesting to their story.
Thanks to Netgalley  and Harlequin for the book.

Rating: 4 stars

TITLE: A Gentleman 'Til Midnight
AUTHOR: Alison DeLaine
PUBLISHER: Harlequin

Bella storia, avvincente e con una splendida eroina e quasi degno protagonista maschile.
Quasi, perché credo che in questo libro il personaggio di Lady Katherine sia veramente a un livello superiore in confronto a James.
Perché mi ha colpito così tanto Lady Katherine? Per le sua fiera indipendenza e il desiderio di libertà, la sua forza e il suo orgoglio. Dopo essere stata rapita in gioventù ed essere divenuta la schiava in un paese lontano, avrebbe potuto lasciarsi andare all'autocommiserazione e invece è riuscita a vivere e vedere il lato positivo di quel periodo della sua vita e una volta ritrovata la libertà ha proseguito scegliere di vivere una vita piena di rischi, ma libera. Una delle poche donne al comando della sua barca, dopo aver conquistato il rispetto dei suoi uomini.
Così coraggiosa da decidere di avventurarsi in un terreno a lei completamente sconosciuto e rivendicare il suo titolo nobiliare e le sue terre per il bene di sua figlia.
James è l'uomo che Lady Katherine odia di più al mondo, lo reputa uno dei responsabili della sua prigionia in passato e quando il destino fa incrociare le loro strade è decisa a vendicarsi e fargliela pagare. E invece scoprirà che forse è l'unico con il quale si potrà alleare per riuscire a farsi accettare nei salotti bene dell'Alta Società.
Lui la sorprende, non sembra essere l'uomo spietato che ha sempre immaginato e altro piccolo problema, i due sono legati da una profonda attrazione che non riescono a contrastare.
Non volevo sminuire James prima, è senz'altro un bel personaggio anche lui, commette qualche errore di valutazione, ma ha decisamente il suo fascino sexy, dominante, ma adorabile e molto tenero e protettivo con la figlia di Katherine  e contribuisce a creare il giusto contrasto che rende più interessante la loro storia.
Ringrazio Netgalley e la Harlequin per il libro.

RATING: 4 stelle

TITOLO: A Gentleman 'Til Midnight
AUTRICE: Alison DeLaine
EDITORE: Harlequin

giovedì 15 gennaio 2015

Knight in Highland Armor by Amy Jarecki

Grieving from the death of his wife, Lord Colin Campbell listens to the cries of his newborn son whilst penning a missive to the king. With no marriage prospects, Colin petitions his majesty for help in finding a stepmother. Never again will he fall in love—the death of a woman brings more pain than losing a whole contingent of men on the battlefield.
Feisty, quick tongued and smart, Margaret Robinson is delighted when her father receives a messenger from the king…until she discovers what news he brings. In a sennight, she will wed the notorious Black Knight—her life is about to end.
Tension builds during the wedding and deteriorates from there…until an accident draws them together. Just when their love begins to blossom, a dire request arrives from the Pope. Colin must join the Crusades at once.
Their fragile love is forced to withstand the seductions of hell—Margaret tempted by a scoundrel laird—Colin courted by Satan himself. Aye, the war for Christendom could very well ruin their dreams forever.

Knight in Highland Armor was really a nice reading and I think it's a great start to this new  Historical Romance series by Amy Jarecki.
The pair is well-matched, though the beginning of their story is a bit troubled.
Lord Colin Campbell is a brave warrior,  he has just lost his wife who died giving birth to their child. As if that weren't enough the man is summoned to fight another crusade in the Holy Land because of his experience and his value on the battlefield. He's forced to choose in haste a woman who can be a good stepmother for his child during his long absence. Not love or romance, but simple needs and he asks  to his Queen to help him in this choice.
Margaret is certainly not the woman who would have expected, young, beautiful, smart, strong-minded and disinclined to follow his orders, if she thinks it's better behave otherwise. The young woman was accustomed always to express her ideas and to help her father due to his skill and intelligence. She is also brilliant and she always dreamed of great love and what they called the "Black Knight" is certainly not her Prince charming ideal, and at the beginning Lord Colin does everything to confirm this thought of Margaret.
I enjoyed a lot reading their bickering and I enjoyed Margaret's sharp tongue and her spirit. Despite being alone and young, involved in a arranged wedding, she isn't cowed by her husband, and she tries to help him and earn his respect and approval.
Lord Colin could be unforgivable for how he dealt with her form the very start of their wedding,  but thanks to the fact that the author has given us his point of view in this story, we can realize how much he is grieving the loss of his prevoius wife and especially as he feels guilty about his attraction towards Margaret. He is in a difficult position and I liked the space that has been given him to deal with this crisis.
I also enjoyed the historical setting chosen for this story, during the Crusades and how Ms Jarecki has managed to highlight how could be difficult to live a love story in such extreme conditions. No tv or phones with news about the war, letters that could be lost and never received for years. Love stories so difficult to carry out, but for this so intense and full of passion and love.
Beautiful book, recommended for those who loves this genre.
Thanks to Netgalley and Rapture Books for the book.

RATING: 4 stars

TITLE: Highland Knight Armor
AUTHOR: Amy Jarecki
SERIES: Highland Forces #1
PUBLISHER: Rapture Books

Knight in Highland Armor è stata una lettura davvero piacevole e credo un ottimo inizio per questa nuova serie Historical Romance di Amy Jarecki.
La coppia è decisamente ben assortita, anche se l'inizio della loro storia è un po' travagliata.
Lord Colin Campbell è un guerriero valoroso, ha appena perso la moglie che è morta mettendo alla luce il loro bambino. Come se non bastasse l'uomo viene convocato per combattere un'altra crociata in Terra Santa vista la sua esperienza e il suo valore sul campo di battaglia. Si vede costretto a dover scegliere in fretta e furia una donna che possa fare da madre al figlio durante la sua lunga assenza. Non amore e romanticismo, ma semplice necessità e chiede aiuto alla sua Regina per aiutarlo in questa scelta.
Margaret non è senz'altro la donna che si sarebbe aspettato, giovane, bellissima, sveglia e poco incline a seguire i suoi ordini, se pensa sia meglio comportarsi in altro modo. La giovane donna è stata abituata da sempre a esprimere le sue idee e ad aiutare il padre grazie alla sua bravura e intelligenza. È però anche vivace e da sempre sogna il grande amore e quello che tutti chiamano il "Black Knight" non è certo il suo principe azzurro ideale, e Lord Colin sin dall'inizio fa di tutto per confermare questo pensiero di Margaret.
Mi sono divertita molto nel leggere i loro battibecchi e ho apprezzato la lingua tagliente di Margaret e il suo spirito. Nonostante sia sola e giovane, coinvolta in un matrimonio arrangiato, non si lascia intimorire dal marito, e comunque tenta di aiutarlo e guadagnare la sua stima e approvazione.
Lord Colin all'inizio sarebbe imperdonabile, ma grazie al fatto che l'autrice ci ha fornito anche il suo punto di vista in questa storia, ci si può rendere conto quanto stia soffrendo per la perdita della moglie e soprattutto come si senta in colpa per l'attrazione che prova verso Margaret. È in una posizione difficile e mi è piaciuto lo spazio che gli è stato dato per affrontare questo suo momento di crisi.
Mi è piaciuto anche l'ambientazione storica scelta per questa storia, durante le Crociate e come Ms Jarecki abbia saputo mettere in evidenza quanto potesse essere difficile vivere una storia d'amore a distanza in condizioni così estreme. Niente telefoni o tv con notizie sulla guerra, lettere che potevano andar perse e mai ricevute per anni. Storie d'amore difficili da portare avanti, ma per questo intense e piene di passione e amore.
Bel libro, consigliato a chi ama questo genere.
Ringrazio Netgalley e la Rapture Books per il libro.

VOTO: 4 stelle

TITOLO: Knight in Highland Armor
AUTRICE: Amy Jarecki
SERIES: Highland Force #1
EDITORE: Rapture Books