lunedì 27 luglio 2015

A Highland Knight to Remember by Amy Jarecki - Highland Dynasty #3

In 15th century Scotland, Gyllis Campbell arrives at the Beltane festival with one thing on her mind—to win the heart of Sir Sean MacDougall once and for all. Astonishingly, Sir Sean would like nothing more than to oblige the lovely lass.

But when news of his father’s death arrives, Sean races for Dunollie Castle. Unaware of Sean’s tragedy, Gyllis departs the festival thwarted. Worse, a terrible illness strikes her down, and she’s sent to the cloisters of Ardchattan Priory for healing.

Plagued by raids on his lands and deception in his ranks, Sean is embroiled in a battle to regain control. Pulled in a myriad of directions, adversity runs rampant as Gyllis struggles to regain her health and Sean battles the very demon who covets his title. Fighting for their lives, both must prevail before their love can blossom.

More books I read by this author, the more I'm in love with the stories of her Highlanders.
This time not only Sean, the protagonist, is absolutely irresistible thanks to his charm, but I was really amazed by Gyllis as heroine of the book.
I found their story original and beautiful, surely a couple who is facing difficult times due the girl 's severe health problems, but this isn't  something that could discouraged Gyllis or scared Sean. It becomes the reason that pushes him to face the true nature of his feelings toward the girl and to encourage Gyllis when she is needing him the most, turning on a light of hope into her life, so she starts to fight her illness with all her strength and will.
A story full of passion, but what impressed me the most was their bond and complicity, the way they tease each other and then how they deal with the intensity of their feelings.
I loved the kindness that Sean shows towards Gyllis, but she is the one who proves to be really extraordinary, willing to do anything to save Sean's life, when he is captured by his arch enemy.
The plot of the book is engaging and well written, I couldn't tear myself away from the book, because  I wanted to know what would happen, given that there is no shortage of intrigue and plot twists.
The plot of the book is well written and engaging, I couldn't tear myself away from the book, so I wanted to know what would happen,  thanks to intrigues and plot twists.
This is the third book in the series Highland Dynasty, which I recommend to anyone who loves books historical romance with the Highlanders as protagonists.
And I can't wait to read the next book.
Thanks to Netgalley and Rapture Books.

RATING: 4 stars

TITLE: A Highland Knight to Remember
AUTHOR: Amy Jarecki
SERIES: Highland Dynasty #3
PUBLISHER: Rapture Books

Più libri leggo di questa autrice, più rimango entusiasta delle storie dei suoi Highlander.
Questa volta non solo Sean, il protagonista, è assolutamente irresistibile grazie al suo fascino, ma Gyllis mi ha veramente entusiasmato come eroina del libro.
Ho trovato la loro storia molto originale, sicuramente una coppia che si trova ad affrontare momenti difficili, a causa dei gravi problemi di salute di Gyllis, ma questo non scoraggia o spaventa Sean, anzi lo spinge ad affrontare la vera natura dei sentimenti verso la ragazza e a incoraggiarla nel momento del bisogno, accendendo una luce di speranza nella vita di Gyllis che comincia a lottare con tutte le sue forze per guarire.
Una storia ricca di passione, ma quello che mi ha colpito di più è stata la complicità presente tra i due, il modo in cui si stuzzicano per poi affrontare l'intensità dei sentimenti che provano uno per l'altra.
Ho amato le mille attenzioni che Sean mostra nei confronti di Gyllis, ma è lei che si dimostra veramente straordinaria, disposta a tutto pur di salvare la vita di Sean, quando lui viene catturato dal suo acerrimo nemico.
La trama del libro è coinvolgente e scritta altrettanto bene, non riuscivo a staccarmi dal libro, tanto volevo sapere cosa sarebbe successo, visto che non mancano intrighi e colpi di scena.
Questo è il terzo libro della serie Highland Dynasty, che consiglio a chi ama i libri historical romance, che hanno per protagonisti gli Highlander.
E non vedo l'ora di poter leggere il prossimo libro.
Ringrazio Netgalley e la Rapture Books per il libro.

VOTO: 4 stelle

domenica 26 luglio 2015

Stolen and Forgiven by A. Ivy and C.A. Ryan - Branded Packs #1

The first rule of being Alpha of the Canine Pack is to protect their secrets from the humans at all cost. One look at the dying human at his doorstep and Holden Carter knows he will have to break it. The broken woman with no hope at survival is his mate. When he forces the change on her to save her life, he not only sets forth motions that could risk both their lives, but the lives of every shifter in the world.

Ariel Sands grew up in a post-Verona infection world and under the care of the very humans she thought had cured the disease. When they betray her in the worst ways imaginable, she finds herself not only mated to the Alpha of a the very species she’s been taught to fear, but the focal point of a traitor and path to destruction for everyone’s way of life. It will take more than trust and a mating bond for Ariel and Holden to not only survive their enemies, but the burn of their own temptations.


Soren Slater is a Beta wolf who understands that duty to his Pack comes before his own needs. At a young age he takes a position as a liaison between his Pack and the other species of shifters. He never expected his enticing flirtations with Cora Wilder, a Tiger Princess, would encourage her cat to consider him a potential mate. He’s forced to walk away, choosing a partner among the wolves to try and strengthen his Pack.

Cora has no intention of forgiving or forgetting Soren’s rejection. Not even when the Packs are forced to live together and she discovers Soren’s former mate has died. But then, she’s kidnapped by the SAU and she has no choice but to work with Soren to escape. Together they must put the past behind them if they’re to survive the human’s evil plot.

Alexandra Ivy and Carrie Ann Ryan, two amazing authors for a new paranormal romance series: Branded Packs.
They have both their own story in the book, and you can tell that because the stories are different, but I really enjoyed both the installments.
I loved the setting and I found Original the world created for this series about shifters.
They're powerful but outnumbered against the humans who contained them. They lost their freedom and the very essence of their life as a pack of shifters. They're collared, marked as beasts. It's a dark reality to live in, but it's so unusual and what I liked the most.

Perfect title for this story, because it can refer to anything that has happened in the past to  Holden and his pack, he's the wolves alpha, but also to Ariel's story.
Ariel was kidnapped and used as a Guinea pig by humans, and then she is dumped nearly dead in the camp where live werewolves. Humans want to blame the shapeshifters for the murder and continue to keep alive the fear and smear campaign against them, to justify the detention.
Holden, the alpha of the pack, found her, and he realizes that the woman is his predestined mate and for the first time in his life, Holden must choose to endanger the lives of all members of his pack.
I really loved this story, which introduces perfectly the cruelty of the conditions in which they are forced to live the shapeshifters, contrary to their nature.
Holden is a great character, a real alpha for the whole pack. He cares for them and he sometimes he has really hard. But his life by alfa has never been easy.
Ariel impressed me for her calm after what happened to her, she needs time to adapt, buimprime the start she tries to find a place inside of the Pack and in Holden's life. No tragedies, hysterical or recriminations.
It's a beautiful story, that made me fall in love with this series.

In this story the protagonists are Soren, Holden's beta in the pack and Cora, a tiger shapeshifter.
After years in which the different races of shifters were kept strictly separated, as punishment the two groups of wolves and tigers are put together, hoping perhaps to unleash a conflict between the two.
Cora and Soren had a story ended not so well, and this could increase the tension between them.
The romance part is much more developed in this story, is very passionate and I loved when Soren pulled out his dominant side toughness  to win Cora back.
Her abduction done by the humans to blackmail her father changed  the course of the story, giving it a bit of action and introducing in the scenario the Unseen, real shifters spies infiltrate among humans. This gives me hope for the future andthat shifters for possible rebellion against those who keep them imprisoned.
Can't wait to read the sequel.

I received the book from the authors in exchange for an honest review.

RATING: 4 stars

TITLE: Stolen and Forgiven
AUTHORS: Alexandra Ivy and Carrie Ann Ryan
SERIES: Branded Packs #1

Alexandra Ivy e Carrie Ann Ryan, due meravigliose autrici di Paranormal Romance, per una nuova serie: Branded Packs.
Nel libro entrambe hanno un proprio racconto e lo si può capire nel leggere le differenze tra le due storie, ma mi sono piaciute molto entrambe.
Mi ha colpito molto l'ambientazione della storia, l'ho trovata davvero originale per questa serie ambientata nel mondo dei mutaforma.
Sono forti ma sopraffatti nei numeri contro gli umani che li hanno imprigionati. Hanno perso la libertà, la vera essenza della vita dei mutaforma in branchi. Sono costretti a indossare collari, sono stati marchiati come bestie. È una realtà molto cupa quella in cui sono costretti a vivere, inusuale e proprio per questo mi è piaciuta così tanto.
Titolo perfetto per questa storia, perché si può riferire a tutto ciò che è successo in passato al branco di Holden, l'alfa dei lupi, ma anche alla storia di Ariel.
Ariel è stata rapita e usata come cavia da laboratorio dagli umani, per essere poi scaricata in fin di vita nel campo dove vivono i lupi mutaforma, per far ricadere la colpa dell'omicidio su di loro e continuare a mantenere vivo il terrore e la campagna denigratoria degli umani contro i mutaforma, per giustificarne la detenzione.
Viene ritrovata da Holden, l'alfa del branco che si rende conto che la donna è la sua compagna predestinata e per la prima volta nella sua vita Holden si trova a dover scegliere di mettere in pericolo le vite di tutti i componenti del suo branco.
Ho amato molto questo racconto, che introduce in modo perfetto l'orrore delle condizioni in cui sono costretti a vivere i mutaforma, che vanno contro la loro natura.
Holden è un personaggio fantastico, un vero punto di riferimento per tutto il branco e la scelta che si ècritrovato a dover compiere davvero difficile. Ma la sua vita da alfa non è mai stata facile.
Ariel mi ha impressionato per la sua calma nell'accetrare tutto quello che le è accaduto, ha bisogno di tempo per adattarsi, ma da subito cerca di trovare il suo postomall'interno del branco e nella vita di Holden. Niente tragedie, crisi isteriche o recriminazioni.
La loro è una bellissima storia, che mi ha fatto innamorare di questa serie.

In questo racconto i protagonisti sono Soren, il braccio destra di Holden nel branco e Cora, una tigre mutaforma.
Dopo anni in cui i mutaforma di diverse razze sono stati tenuti rigorosamente separati, per punizione i due gruppi di lupi e tigri vengono messi insieme, sperando forse di scatenare un conflitto tra i due.
Cora e Soren hanno avuto una storia conclusa non proprio benissimo tra di loro, e questo potrebbe aumentare la tensione tra di loro.
La parte romance è molto più sviluppata in questo racconto, è molto passionale e Soren mi è piaciuto molto quando ha tirato fuori la sua parte più tosta e dominante per riconquistare Cora.
Il rapimento di quest'ultima da parte degli umani per ricattare il padre di lei ha cambiato un po' il corso della storia, donandole un po' di azione e introducendo nello scenario dei mutaforma gli Unseen, delle spie vere e proprie infiltrati tra gli umani. Questo mi fa ben sperare per il futuro dei mutaforma e di una eventuale loro ribellione contro chi li tiene imprigionati.
Non vedo l'ora di leggere il seguito.

VOTO: 4 stelle

sabato 18 luglio 2015

Second Chance Summer by Jill Shalvis - Cedar Ridge #1

Cedar Ridge, Colorado, is famous for crisp mountain air, clear blue skies, and pine-scented breezes. And it's the last place Lily Danville wants to be. But she needs a job, and there's an opening at the hottest resort in her hometown. What has her concerned is the other hot property in Cedar Ridge: Aidan Kincaid-firefighter, rescue worker, and heartbreaker. She never could resist that devastating smile . . .

The Kincaid brothers are as rough and rugged as the Rocky Mountains they call home. Aidan has always done things his own way, by his own rules. And never has he regretted anything more than letting Lily walk out of his life ten years ago. If anyone has ever been in need of rescuing, she has. What she needs more than anything are long hikes, slow dances, and sizzling kisses. But that can only happen if he can get her to give Cedar Ridge-and this bad boy-a second chance . . .

"Second Chance Summer" is the first book I read by Jill Shalvis and at this point won't be the last for sure. In recent times to be honest I snubbed a little contemporary romance books, favoring other genres, but I have to say that I was impressed by Ms Shalvithe characters and from the story and how it was written.
The book it's the start-up in the the series "Cedar Ridge" and is certainly a great beginning.
It's set in a breathtaking scenery, the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, that could leave their mark in the lives of those who grew up in Cedar Ridge, for their beauty, but a beauty that can be lethal.
Lily and Aidan have experienced in their own way this ugly truth, that changed the course of their lives; after several years they find themselves facing each other, to deal with what was left in abeyance between them.
A story that was finished before even starting, one of those loves that remain burning in the memories for all the "If" and "but" who are there and not give you the ability to put a stone over and move on.
Aidan is the dream come true for each woman, both for his physical prowess and the fascination of being a firefighter, with their uniforms and a life lived on a razor's edge. He is perfect: gorgeous, hot, brave, determined and loyal and deeply attached to his family.
One family, the Kincaid, who has a very important role in this book: it's a family complex, but at the same time very close.
They are one of the things that made me really enjoy reading this book, Aidan apart, and it's all saying ... their hard-nosed clashes,  the ever-present humour during their confrontations, the bond that unites them and the protective instinct they feel for each And the mother of these guys is amazing. You can't help but want to be part of the Kincaid, after reading about them, to feel on your skin all this love and sense of belonging.
Aidan is full of charisma and is truly "lots of stuff" and being a "good guy", doesn't affect his hottness.
The beginning of the book is brilliant, funny, although Aidan is full in action for his work, but even in tough times, the camaraderie with his fellow workers makes things easy to read and it's another of the things that I loved in this story.
And Lily, how's she doing in All of this? I'd say fine. She has a hard task, at the beginning i had some doubts about her, she didn't convince me much, but going ahead with the story I must say that I really liked her. Certainly she brings with her a lot of baggage, and she must learn that she isn't alone against everything and everyone, but Aidan is the perfect man for this task.
I have to say that Jill Shalvis knows how to write, besides all what I said, even the romance and sex scenes between Lily and Aidan have their importance in the book - and here I part a sigh - I was saying very intense scenes and let me say this one: without BDSM, which is almost a rarity.
The "Cedar Ridge" series has many things to say, in my opinion, and I can't wait to read more about them.
Thanks to Netgalley and Forever Grand Central Publishing for the book.

RATING: 5 stars

TITLE: Second Chance Summer
AUTHOR: Jill Shalvis
SERIES: Cedar Ridge #1
PUBLISHER:Forever Grand Central Publishing

martedì 14 luglio 2015

Infinity Unleashed by Sedona Venez

As the war between supernatural beings is brewing, Infinity awakens in the midst of her kidnapping. Instead of facing her captor, she meets someone who takes her into the past where she learns secrets that change everything she’s always known.

After recently discovering that vampires, wolves, tiger-shifters, Valkyries, and otherworldly entities exist around her, Infinity must quickly adapt to her new reality while facing the fact that she no longer knows who she can trust. 

Each species wants her, but there’s only one person she is meant to be with…and he might be the only one she loses forever. 

I wasn't particularly affected positively by this story.
It's the second book of in the trilogy Valkyries: Soaring Raven by Sedona Venez.
Doesn't help that I didn't read the first book, but I struggled enough in absorbing all the information about Infinity, her true nature, her past and the implications of it.
Everyone want hero dead or in their power. The reality created by Ms. Valdez is complex, full of immortal creatures and political interests and power and because of all this things I was a bit bored during the reading.
For more than half the book there has been no contact between Boulder and Infinity, which are the predestined mates and this is actually one of the points that I liked less.
I was more struck by Kara, Infinity's mother and Cortez the vampire with whom she is always in constant conflict.
I'm sorry but this story is not my cui of tea.
Thanks to Netgalley and INscribe Digital for book.

RATING: 2 stars

TITLE: Infinity Unleashed
AUTHOR: Sedona Venez
SERIES: Valkyries: Soaring Raven #2

Non sono rimasta colpita particolarmente in modo positivo da questa storia.
Secondo libro della trilogia Valkyries: Soaring Raven di Sedona Venez
Senz'altro non aver letto il primo capitolo di questa serie non m ha aiutato, ma ho faticato abbastanza nell'assorbire tutte le informazioni su Infinity, la sua natura, il suo passato e le implicazioni di esso.
Tutti la vogliono o morta o in loro potere. La realtà creata da Ms Venez è complessa, piena di creature immortali e interessi politici e di potere e seguire tutto questo mi ha un po' annoiato.
Per più di metà libro non c'è stato nessun contatto tra Boulder e Infinity, che sono la coppia realmente predestinata e questo è uno dei punti che mi è piaciuto di meno.
In realtà sono rimasta più colpita da Kara, madre di Infinity, e Cortez il vampiro con cui è sempre in perenne conflitto.
Mi spiace ma decisamente questa storia non fa per me.
Ringrazio Netgalley e la INscribe Digital per il libro.

VOTO: 2 stelle

mercoledì 8 luglio 2015

Burned by Darkness by Alexandra Ivy- Dragons of Eternity #1

The Dragons of Eternity were once creatures of myth and legend. Now they’ve returned to the world, prepared to claim what’s rightfully theirs…

Tayla is desperate for a place to call home. After years on the run, the young imp impulsively buys a teahouse and is determined to build a new life. Unfortunately, she’s barely opened the doors when she’s tracked down by the dragon who purchased her from troll slave-traders. He demands she pay off her debts…in his harem.

Baine has devoted a quarter of a century to tracking down his beautiful concubine. And now that he has her in his grasp, he’s not about to let her go. But it’s soon apparent that he isn’t the only demon hunting her. He must uncover her secrets or risk losing her forever.

"Dragons of Eternity" is a new series by Alexandra Ivy, a fairly prolific writer, especially regarding the paranormal romance genre.
"Burned by Darkness" is the first book about Dragons, very nice and pretty short.
This writer's style is unmistakable if you know her, the stories are full of humor and sensuality and the protagonists of the book are always very compelling and unique.
A new series but its relates to other books written by this author thanks to creatures that we already met in her earlier stories.
Among all, the little gargoyle Levet, with his big ego, but he still very brave and he's a sweet heart. He's unmissable thanks to his French accent, with his particular idioms, his blunders are so funny , while he's speaking in English. His character is secondary in this book, but he leaves the mark as always.
Baine, the Dragon, is the protagonist, he is the perfect portrait of this breed: his extraordinary powers, thanks to his magic and the physicality and strength of his Dragon form, but he is also arrogant, extremely jealous and possessive of his treasures, lonely and unforgiving, brutally honest and ... beautiful. Not bad then his healthy habit of walking around always bare-chested showing his beautiful tattoos.
Tayla is also a magical creature, in part Faerie, but she has just a particular skill, which puts her life in danger. She lived a life always on the run, this is her biggest regret, she'd love a real home and friends.
Between Tayla and the Baine the attraction is from their first encounter , but the reasons of it is unacceptable for the imp: she's going to become part of his harem, she was kidnapped and sold as a slave to repay a debt.
Their story is a struggle of will and desire.
Baine is accustomed to always have control of things and Tayla is the only woman he ever met to refuse him, but she is also the only one able to make him feel emotions that he has never felt.
I really like them as a couple and I loved Baine because despite Tayla is special for him, he won't  be reduced to become her doormat.
The plot is nice and I do love Alexandra Ivy's stories .
Thanks to Netgalley and CrashStar Multimedia LLC for the book.

RATING: 4 stars

TITLE: Burned by Darkness
AUTHOR: Alexandra Ivy
SERIES: Dragons of Eternity #1
PUBLISHER: CrashStar Multimedia LLC

"Dragons of Eternity" è una nuova serie di Alexandra Ivy, scrittrice abbastanza prolifica, soprattutto per quanto riguarda il genere paranormal romance.
"Burned by Darkness" è il primo libro su Dragoni, molto carino e abbastanza breve.
Lo stile di questa scrittrice è inconfondibile se la si conosce, le sue storie sono piene di humour e sensualità e i protagonisti del libro sempre molto affascinanti e singolari.
Serie nuova ma comunque che si ricollega agli altri libri scritti da questa autrice grazie alle creature che già si sono incontrate nelle sue storie precedenti.
Tra tutti Levet, il piccolo gargoyle, dal grande ego, ma sempre molto coraggioso e di cuore. È imperdibile grazie al suo accento francese, con i suoi particolari modi di dire,veri e propri strafalcioni, mentre parla in inglese. Il suo personaggio è secondario in questo libro, ma lascia come sempre il suo segno, è molto divertente.
Baine, il dragone protagonista, è il ritratto perfetto di questa razza: i suoi poteri straordinari, grazie alla sua magia e alla fisicità e forza della creature nella quale si può trasformare, ma è anche arrogante, estremamente geloso e possessivo dei suoi tesori, solitario e spietato, brutalmente sincero e... bellissimo. Non guasta poi la sua sana abitudine di andare in giro sempre a torso nudo con i suoi stupendi tatuaggi sempre il bella vista.
Tayla è una creatura magica a sua volta, in parte Faerie, non ha poteri immensi, ma giusto un'abilità particolare, che mette la sua vita in serie pericolo. Ha vissuto una vita sempre in fuga, una solitudine forzata e questo è il suo rammarico più grosso.
Tra lei e Baine scocca subito la scintilla, ma i presupposti per il loro rapporto sono inaccettabili per Tayla: è finita per diventare parte del suo harem, rapita e venduta come schiava per ripagare un debito.
Tra loro è uno scontro continuo tra volontà e desiderio.
Baine è abituato ad avere sempre il controllo delle cose e Tayla è l'unica donna che abbia mai incontrato a fare ostruzione nei suoi confronti, ma anche l'unica in grado di fargli sentire emozioni che non ha mai provato e con le quali ha qualche difficoltà ad adattarsi.
Come coppia mi piacciono molto e quello che adoro in Baine è che nonostante Tayla per lui sia speciale, non si riduce a diventare il suo zerbino.
Carina anche la trama e adoro come scrive Alexandra Ivy.
Ringrazio Netgalley e CrashStar Multimedia LLC per il libro.

VOTO: 4 stelle

lunedì 6 luglio 2015

Bound by the Buccaneer by Normandie Alleman - Pirates of the JolieRouge #2

Two years have passed since Frederica joined Gaston aboard the Ocean’s Knave, and with every passing hour they have fallen more deeply in love. By day she is the ship’s physician, but at night she serves her captain in his bed, offering her body for him to punish and pleasure until she begs for more. But after a successful run of raiding other pirate ships, the couple have a target on their backs.
Their only hope is to form an alliance with a trio of like-minded captains, but in order to guarantee the cooperation of these unyielding, battle-hardened men, Gaston is forced to offer them a night with Frederica. Reluctantly, she agrees to be shared with the men, but afterwards Gaston finds it difficult to forgive himself for bartering Frederica’s charms. As jealousy and desperation threaten to consume him, will Gaston lose his beloved Frederica or can he weather the storm and find a way to bind her to him forever?

Erotic romance, set in the world of privateers and pirates, and it was precisely this thing to intrigue me and draw my attention. This is the first time I read a  BDSM book in this type of reality.
If I must be honest it was not love at first sight with the protagonists, but maybe it's my fault, since I started reading this series by its second book.
I found Frederica and Gaston already as a couple, but something in their Dom/sub relationship is missing for me. I found Gaston in this story too insicure and brooding even though is the Dom, he takes his decisions and then once Frederica obeys him, however he is not able to accept the weight of the consequences.
And Frederica seems a little too naïve and inexperienced, but she let go without too many thoughts when Gaston asks her to join a three men without him.
Nice, the sex scenes are very hot, but I didn't feel very involved reading their adventures.
Thanks to Netgalley and Stormy Night Publication for the book.

RATING: 3 stars

TITLE: Bound by the Buccaneer
AUTHOR: Normandie Alleman
SERIES: Pirates of the Jolie Rouge #2
PUBLISHER: Stormy Night Publication

Erotic romance carino, ambientato nel mondo di corsari e pirati, ed è stata proprio questa cosa a incuriosirmi e attirare la mia attenzione. È la prima volta che mi capita di leggere un libro BDSM in questo tipo di realtà.
Se devo essere sincera non è stato amore a prima vista con i protagonisti, ma forse è colpa mia, visto che sono partita a leggere questa serie dal suo secondo libro.
Ho trovato Frederica e Gaston già come coppia, ma qualcosa nel loro legame Dom/sub non mi torna. Gaston in questa storia, pur essendo il Dom, pasticcia veramente abbastanza, prende decisioni e poi una volta che Frederica obbedisce, comunque lui non è in grado di reggerne il peso delle conseguenze.
E Frederica mi sembra faccia un po' troppo l'ingenua e l'inesperta, per poi lasciarsi andare sempre troppi pensieri quando Gaston le chiede di partecipare a una threesome, senza di lui.
Carino, con scene molto hot, ma non mi sono sentita molto coinvolta nel leggere le loro avventure.
Ringrazio Netgalley e la Stormy Night Publication per il libro.