domenica 29 giugno 2014

From This Day Forward by Mackenzie Lucas

From This Day Forward è la seconda storia nella serie Derkesthai Academy Dragon Shifter, una serie paranormal romance contemporanea sexy, con elementi di mistero e suspance dove dei draghi mutaforma danno la caccia a ladri di tesori magici che minacciano l'intera razza di dragoni maghi. Nella piccola città di Mystic Springsteen solo l'amore e il tradimento possono mettere in mostra la verità su una persona e i segnali migliori possono essere quelli nascosti. Unitevi a April e Noah nella loro lotta contro un nemico sconosciuto che minaccia tutte le cose per loro più preziose.
Noah Easton, un drago mutaforma che fa parte delle Forze Speciali, riesce a sfuggire alle torture di un ladro di tesori magici, che vuole sottrarre a ogni drago la sua pietra nascosta, che racchiude tutti i poteri del mago che la indossa, ma la situazione diventa personale quando il ladro prende di mira April, la donna che ama. Il dragone è costretto a fare ritorno nella sua città di Mystic Spring per proteggere il suo stesso tesoro da una minaccia legata alla magia che non riesce a identificare, prima di rischiare di perdere tutto.
April è un oracolo dei giorni nostri. Può leggere attraverso le foglie di tè qualsiasi cosa che possa predire gli eventi del futuro. Però problemi legati al passato e al suo abbandono le impediscono di leggere i segnali che la riguardano. Ma quando il male arriverà a Mystic Spring, sarà costretta ad affrontare le sue peggiori paure legate all'abbandono e al tradimento, per riuscire a salvare quello che le sta più a cuore. Solo conoscendo il suo passato e studiando il suo futuro potrà fermare il criminale che con la magia minaccia di privarla di tutto quello che ama e distruggere l'unico mago dragone che ha conquistato il suo cuore per sempre.

La sinossi di presentazione di questo libro mi era sembrata davvero molto intrigante, ma il libro non ha soddisfatto le mie aspettative. Un vero peccato.
From This Day Forward è un libro nel quale si trova descritto un mondo nel quale convivono magia, draghi e il mondo umano.
April e Noah, i protagonisti del libro non sono riusciti a "prendermi" con la loro storia. Per spiegare e introdurre questa realtà piena di magia e i vari poteri dei draghi, la storia di questa coppia è passata un po' in secondo piano, e mi sembra che sia stata sviluppata in modo un po' superficiale e ha reso un po' noiosa la lettura del libro.
Dovrebbero essere due anime gemelle, ma April per timore di essere ferita nasconde di se stessa, di quello che pensa e prova, mentre Noah ha scelto un lavoro e ha dei comportamenti che aumentano le paure della sua compagna. Un po' strana come cosa in una coppia legata per tutta la vita e ha già tre figlie.
Mi è piaciuta l'idea del tatuaggio del dragone sulla pelle che si muove, e risponde agli stimoli che riceve dall'esterno.
È il secondo libro della serie Derkesthai Academy Dragon Shifter.
Ringrazio Netgalley e Mackenzie Lucass per il libro.

VOTO: 2.5 stelline

From This Day Forward is the second story in the Derkesthai Academy Dragon Shifter series--a hot contemporary paranormal romance series with mystery and suspense elements where dragon shifters hunt a magickal hoard thief who threatens to bring down the entire dragon mage race. In the small town of Mystic Springs, only love and betrayal can show true character and the best signs are those hidden. Join April and Noah as they fight an unidentified evil who threatens everything they value.
Noah Easton, a Special Forces dragon shifter, escapes the torture of a hoard thief bent on stealing dragon hoard stones and their elemental power from the mages who possess them, but the situation becomes personal when the hoard thief targets April, the woman he loves. He must return to his hometown of Mystic Springs to protect his own hoard from a magickal threat he cannot identify before he loses everything.
April is a modern day oracle. She reads tea leaves and just about anything else that can predict coming events. However, past abandonment issues make her resistant to reading her own signs. But when evil comes to Mystic Springs, April must face her biggest fears of abandonment and betrayal in order to save what’s most important to her. Only by studying the past and owning her future can she stop a magickal criminal who threatens to steal everything she’s ever loved and destroy the one dragon mage who holds her heart always and forever.

The synopsis of this book  seemed very intriguing, but the book did not meet my expectations. A pity.
From This Day Forward is a book in which is described a world full of magic, dragons and the normal human world.
April and Noah, the protagonists of the book didn't go under my skin with their story. To explain and introduce this reality full of magic and the various powers of dragons, the story of this couple went a little into the background, and it seems to me that everything about them is a little bit superficial and made a little boring reading the book.
The two of them should be soul mates, but April for fear of being hurt hides herself, while Noah chose a job and behaviours which increase the fears of his mate. A bit strange as what a couple with a bond for life with already three little girls.
I liked the idea of the dragon tattoo on his skin that moves, and responds as it is living it's own life.

This is  the second book in the series Derkesthai Academy Dragon Shifter.
Thanks to Netgalley and Mackenzie Lucas for the book.

Rating: 2.5 stars

giovedì 26 giugno 2014

Anteprima Bride of a Scottish Warrior by Adrienne Basso

Stupendo libro historical romance, la recensione in italiano la potete trovare pubblicata su Romanticamente Fantasy sito a questo link:

A union born of duty...
Newly knighted Sir Ewan Gilroy needs a dowry and a wife, in that order. Though the widowed Lady Grace plans to enter a convent, squandering so much lush beauty - and such a fortune - would surely be its own sin. Grace will not be easily wooed, despite her family's urging and Ewan's famed charm. She challenges him as no woman ever dared, proving his equal in spirit and in passions...
Forged by desire...
To atone for her past, Grace vows to never remarry - least of all a brash and reckless warrior. Yet whether defending her honor or stoking desires she hardly knew she possessed, Ewan is a man beyond compare. And as their fragile trust is threatened by treachery, Grace must decide whether to reach for the happiness within her grasp - and fight for the love of her bold Highlander...

Each book historical romance that in its title that contains the words "Scottish" or "Highlander" I cannot help myself but it end up in my e-reader.
Not always are good readings, but in this case the very American Ms Adrienne Basso was a wonderful surprise.
Bride of a Scottish Warrior is a one-shot book, very well written: a nice plot, with two excellent characters, Ewan and Grace, in which I could not find a flaw, while lately I've read about male characters somewhat disappointing in some ways.
Ewan is an amazing man: a warrior who does not belong to any clan, he is an illegitimate child, one of the most serious faults for that time and it is something that has affected and heavily influence his and his mother's life. However, this has never stopped him to build a better future for himself. He has been able to make a difference and win the respect of all who knew him, thanks to his valour and commitment as a fighter, alongside Robert Bruce, for the conquest of the Crown of Scotland. The new King to repay his formidable warrior  grant him one of the most valuable things for a man in a position like Ewan: to become the owner of a land in the Highlands, where to build his home and be the laird of the people who live there.  Upon his arrival Ewan remains impressed by the wild beauty of the Valley, but soon he realizes that the war left the people very poor : there are only women, children and the elderly and the work to be done is much, but Ewan did not hurry, decide with calm to win the trust of the people, without forcing their hand and to revive the fortunes of this place he decides to find a wife who will bring a rich dowry.
Due his origin is nearly hopeless task, but thanks to the respect and friendship of a former comrade in arms he finds the ideal candidate, the sister of the man himself.
However, two problems arise: Lady Grace, widowed recently, has already received a promise from his brother that she will not be forced into a new marriage and she wants to retire to a convent. Ewan, after they met, he realizes he can't and doesn't want to settle for any other lady than Grace to become his wife.
In fact the woman is far from immune to the appeal of Ewan and his attempts to court her, but she hides a secret in her past that makes her to deny what she feels for him, and she prefers to seek shelter, instead, in a place where she believes she can find peace with herself.
Ewan and Grace play roles of equal importance in the story in the book and the author has carefully studied the various aspects of their characters, creating a beautiful couple.
I appreciated the fact that the reason for which Grace builds barricades on barricades to prevent Ewan to conquer, is then revealed to him with the utmost frankness and sincerity from the same woman. No cheats or tricks in this important book node. So as I really enjoyed the change of Grace once the problem has come into the light of the sun. No more secrets and impediments between the two of them, the woman follows her heart and her passion for Ewan, pointing her feet when she needs  to get his attention.
Important in story is the figure of Ewan's mother, a woman whose life was not easy, and that the pain and experience have made  a little tough. Her relationship with Grace is not a bed of roses at the beginning, and Ms. Basso has not succumbed to an easy peace between the two of them even when she could do it, making their relationship in many ways realistic.
A beautiful story full of irony, love, passion and plot twists that make it not so obvious that there is a happy ending.
Thanks to Netgalley and Kensington Books for the kind preview.

RATING: 5 stars

TITLE: Bride of a Scottish Warrior
AUTHOR: Adrienne Basso
PUBLISHER: Kensington Books

giovedì 19 giugno 2014

A Duchess in the Dark by Kate McKinley

Quando una giovane donna di buona famiglia apre la porta della camera da letto sbagliata durante una festa in un romanzo Regency, non ha idea delle sensuali delizie che la possono aspettare dall'altra parte...
Miss Daphne Hayward è alla ricerca di un sicuro e onorevole marito e ha messo gli occhi sul perfetto candidato. È gentile, con un titolo nobiliare e miracolosamente single. Pianifica un piano perfetto di seduzione per metterlo in ginocchio a implorare per la sua mano. Ma quando per errore finisce nel letto con un altro uomo, e divampa la passione, tutti i suoi piani sembrano essere a rischio di andare in fumo.
Ashton Fiztgerald, Duca di Claymore, è sorpreso dal potente desiderio che sembra assalirlo la prima volta che vede Daphne. Così quando scopre che lei è la misteriosa donna che gli ha fatto visita durante la notte, è determinato a farla sua... Per sempre.

Mi è piaciuto molto questo primo libro della serie By Invitation Only.
Per essere la protagonista di un regency, la giovane Miss Daphne non si può dire che manchi di coraggio e spirito risoluto nel voler creare i presupposti per favorire il matrimonio con il gentiluomo che sembra essere l'uomo dei suoi sogni, che però non riscuote le simpatia del cognato, che deve dare il suo consenso.
La cara ragazza decide di intrufolarsi di nascosto durante le ore notturne nella camera designata all'uomo e perdere la sua verginità, forzando la mano al cognato.
Peccato che al buio non si accorga che la persona nel letto è tutt'altra persona, che a sua volta crede che la donna arrivata nel suo letto sia una sua intima conoscenza.
Il giorno dopo si scopre l'errore d'identità ed entrambi i protagonisti desiderano scoprire chi è la persona con la quale hanno condiviso una notte di passione, anche se lo vogliono scoprire per diversi motivi.
Daphne per quando intraprendente in questa occasione, in realtà si dimostra abbastanza ingenua e un po' con le fette di salame sugli occhi nei confronti dell'uomo del quale crede di essersi innamorata, lo ha idealizzato e ben presto dovrà fare i conti con la realtà.
Lord Ashton dal canto suo, nonostante la sua reputazione di libertino, in realtà capisce subito che per lui non è stata la solita avventura di una notte. Quella donna misteriosa ha fatto nascere in lui sentimenti ed emozioni che non aveva mai provato e ha intenzione di fare di tutto per scoprire la sua identità e riparare, molto volentieri, al "danno" fatto.
Troverà filo da torcere in Daphne a causa della sua reputazione, la ragazza infatti vuole trovare un buon partito, un uomo tranquillo, calmo e pacifico, che non la tradisca alla prima occasione, tutte cose per le quali Lord Ashton non sembra il candidato migliore.
Molto carina e piacevole da leggere questa storia, ben scritta, con dialoghi frizzanti e divertenti tra i due protagonisti.
Ringrazio Netgalley e la Forever per il libro.
VOTO: 3 stelle 1/2

TITOLO: A Duchess in the Dark
AUTRICE: Kate McKinley
SERIE: By Invitation Only #1
EDITORE: Forever (Grand Central Publishing)

When a well-bred young lady opens the wrong bedroom door at a Regency house party, she has no idea of the sensual delights that await her on the other side…
Miss Daphne Hayward is on the hunt for a safe, honorable husband and she has set her sights on the perfect target. He’s kind, titled, and miraculously single. She plans a full-scale seduction that will bring him to his knees, begging for her hand in marriage. But when she mistakenly climbs into another man’s bed, sparks ignite, threatening to send all her plans up in smoke.
Ashton Fitzgerald, Earl of Claymore, is surprised by the powerful desire that surges through him when he sees Daphne for the first time. So when he unveils her as his mysterious midnight visitor, he is determined to make her his…forever.

I really liked this first book in the series By Invitation Only.
Being the protagonist in a regency, the young Miss Daphne I can't say she lacks of courage and spirit determined to create the conditions to facilitate the marriage with the gentleman who seems to be the man of her dreams, but her brother-in-law, who must give his consent, doesn't like him.
The dear girl decides to sneak in secret during the night in the room designated for this man and lose her virginity, forcing the hand to his brother-in-law.
Pity that in the dark she does not know that the person in the bed is a completely different person, who in turn believes that the woman came to his bed is a previous intimate knowledge.
The next day they discover the identity error and bWanted them want to find out who is the person with whom they shared a night of passion, even if they want to find out for different reasons.
Daphne despite in  this occasion was books enough, actually she proves quite naive toward the man she thougth in love with and she has idealized him and soon she will learn the reality.
Lord Ashton for his part, despite his reputation as a libertine, actually understands immediately that for him was not the usual one-night adventure. The mysterious woman made him feel emotions who had never felt before and he's going to do everything possible to find out her identity and repair, gladly, to "damage" done.
He'll find a lot of barricades from Daphne because of his reputation, she indeed wants to find a good man, a quiet one, calm and peaceful, who is not going to betray her at the first opportunity, all things for which Lord Ashton does not seem to be the best candidate.
Very pretty and nice to read this story, well written, with sparkling and funny dialogues between the two protagonists.
Thanks to Netgalley and Forever for the book.

RATING: 3 1/2 stars

TITLE: A Duchess in the Dark
AUTHOR: Kate McKinley
SERIES: By Invitation Only # 1
PUBLISHER: Forever (Grand Central Publishing)

Temptation in Shadows by Gena Showalter

La recensione in lingua italiana di Temptation in Shadows la potete trovare pubblicata su Romanticamente Fantasy Sito, a questo link:

Originally released as part of THE BODYGUARD anthology, fall under the spell of Gena Showalter's paranormal romantic suspense novella "Temptation in Shadows." Every day he puts his life on the line, what will happen when it's his heart in jeopardy?
Tall, lean, muscular—and definitely rough around the edges—Sean Walker is not your typical nightclub bodyguard. He’s a controller of shadows, able to wield darkness at will. But when a mysterious woman at the club turns out to have powers greater than his own, he has no choice but seduction…
Now exclusive as a standalone e-title, read the sexy story that captivate readers from New York Times bestselling author Gena Showalter.

Temptation in Shadows is a short story that absolutely deserves to be read.
Gena Showalter manages with her writing to enter immediately into the heart of the story, an excellent thing for a novel so short.
The plot is interesting, full of action, mystery and the male protagonist Sean is very very sexy, with his way of doing quite dominant and brutally direct, but he is also protective and loyal, so my kind of hero.
The genre puts together both the paranormal romance, and what might be considered Sci-Fi, in some ways.
Sean works undercover for a very special non-governmental agency, as are all of its components. In fact, the agents, who are part of it, have their special powers and use them in their mission to protect other people like them or to keep them in check and, if necessary, intervene if they were revealing a potential threat to the security of all.
Gabby, the heroine of the story, is Sean's new mission. The girl lived a terrible childhood during which, cherry on the cake, has been kidnapped to be used as a Guinea pig by a scientist to do experiments on her and other subjects.
After she managed to escape from the lab, Gabby lives as avfugitive from everything and everyone, she trusts no one, because due to her new abilities, she is a living target for those wishing to use her or make new experiments  back on her.
Great story, well written, as regards both the mystery linked to Gabby and Sean and their powers, and for those who are trying to hunt down the girl; but above all it's very very intense and palpable the attraction between Sean and Gabby, and Gena Showalter is truly a master in writing this kind of hot, hot, hot scenes in her books.
This novel would contain the potential to create a series, taking as protagonists the various components of the Agency, but I think instead that it will remain just a small treat for lovers of this writer.
Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for the kind preview.

Rating: 3 1/2 stars

TITLE: Temptation in Shadows
AUTHOR: Gena Showalter
PUBLISHER: St. Martin's Press

The Billionaire Biker by Jackie Ashenden

Selvaggio e spericolato, più a suo agio con il suo gruppo di motociclisti che con i suoi partner negli affari. Sean ha sempre avuto un debole per Abigail Prescott, ma ha rovinato la sua vita e la loro innocente amicizia dopo aver trascorso insieme una notte di bruciante passione ai tempi del liceo. Adesso che suo fratello Jax ha deciso di assumere Abby per lavorare alla Morrow, Sean non può più continuare a ignorare i suoi demoni, o il suo desiderio. Abby è stato difficile dimenticare Sean Morrow... e poi adesso lui riappare nella sua vita. E anche se non può dimenticare il dolore che ha provato, non può fare a meno di fantasticare sull'erotismo di quelloro unico incontro... e decida ancora di sentire il suo tocco. Quello che prova per Sean è più profondo di un semplice desiderio. È una passione bruciante e il sentimento è condiviso...

Terzo libro sui fratelli Morrow e la serie The Billionaire's Club.
Questa volta il protagonista è Sean il "fratellino minore" scappato in passato da tutto e tutti, per unirsi a un gruppo di motociclisti.
Non che non avesse tutti i torti a scappare dalla famiglia Morrow, per la quale era solo uno scomodo figlio illegittimo e non voluto dal padre naturale e dalla matrigna. I fratelli maggiori erano troppo presi dai loro problemi personali con la stessa famiglia per farlo sentire accettato e l'unica persona con la quale Sean aveva stabilito un buon rapporto di affetto e amicizia era Abby, una ragazzina proveniente da una famiglia altrettanto problematica.
Il loro rapporto potrebbe diventare qualcosa di più dopo una notte di passione tra i due, ma Sean, con i suoi soli diciott'anni, ha troppi demoni interiori per riuscire a gestire questi nuovi sentimenti che comincia a provare per Abby e scappa, abbandonandola senza una parola.
Dopo cinque anni i fratelli riescono a concordare un incontro con lui, sperando di convincerlo a tornare e prendere il suo posto tra di loro. Per essere sicuri di catturare la sua attenzioni lo fanno confrontare con Abby, il suo passato e alcune cose che sono successe a sua insaputa.
Una bella storia, appassionante, anche se con una trama abbastanza semplice. Abby e Sean mi hanno colpito molto con la loro storia, sarebbe stato fa ile cadere nel banale raccontando di questo loro nuovo incontro, una seconda chance per Sean o forse per entrambi, dopo tutto il dolore che hanno vissuto e ha caratterizzato la loro infanzia.
Intenso e molto passionale il loro rapporto, raccontato e descritto con molta bravura dall'autrice.
L'unica cosa che continuavo a scordarmi è che i due protagonisti sono veramente molto giovani, invece nella mia testa me li ero immaginati con qualche hanno in più.
Ringrazio Netgalley e la St. Martin's Press per il libro.

VOTO: 3 stelle e 1/2

TITOLO: The Billionaire Biker
AUTRICE:Jackie Ashenden
EDITORE: St. Martin's Press

Wild and reckless, and more at ease with his biker gang than his business partners, Sean Morrow has always longed for Abigail Prescott, whose life he ruined when an innocent friendship turned into a night of red-hot passion back when they were in high school. Now that his brother, Jax, has decided to hire Abby to work for the Morrows, Sean can no longer ignore his old demons—or his desire. It took Abby time to get over Sean Morrow…and then he walked back into her life. And even though she can’t forget the pain, she can’t stop fantasizing about their one erotic encounter…and she still craves his touch. What she feels for Sean is deeper than need. It’s pure, blind lust—and the feeling is mutual…

Third book about the Morrow brothers and The Billionaire's Club.
This time the protagonist is Sean the "younger brother" escaped in the past from everything and everyone, to join a gang of bikers.
No that he hadn't his good reasons to escape from the Morrow family, for whom he was just an awkward illegitimate son and not desired by his natural father and his stepmother. His half-brothers were too taken by their personal problems with the same family to make him feel accepted and the only person with whom Sean had established a good relationship of affection and friendship was Abby, a young girl from a family equally problematic.
Their relationship could become something more after a night of passion between the two of them, but Sean, was only eighteen, he had too many inner demons to be able to handle these new feelings that begins to feel for Abby and he run away, leaving the city without a word.
After five years the brothers manage to arrange a meeting with him, hoping to persuade him to return and take his place among them. To make sure to catch his attention they bring Abby with them, because  there are things that have happened in Sean's past without his knowledge.
A beautiful story, exciting, although with a simple plot. Abby and Sean impressed me a lot with their story, it would have been simple to write a story less interesting about their new encounter , a second chance for Sean or maybe for both of us, after all the pain they have experienced and has characterized their childhood, but Ms Ashenden made a good story for them.
Intense and very passionate their relationship, is narrated and described with great skill by the author.
The only thing that I forget about them is that the two protagonists are very young, but in my head I imagined them a little older, because they lived through a lot of pain.
Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for the book.

RATING: 3 1/2 star

TITLE: The Billionaire Biker
AUTHOR: Jackie Ashenden
 PUBLISHER: St. Martin's Press

mercoledì 18 giugno 2014

No Refuge by Annie Nicholas

Perseguitati fino a rischiare l'estinzione a causa di una razza aliena chiamata Ko, la mia gente è dovuta scappare dalla Terra cominciando a vagare lontano tra le stelle, senza quasi ricordare la via del ritorno. Viviamo ovunque, ma non possiamo chiamare nessun posto casa. I Ko vogliono cancellare la nostra esistenza e il ricordo di noi. Non vogliono nemmeno che il nostro DNA sia presente nella polvere del cosmo. Gli umani si travestono con le sembianze di altre razze aliene, nascondendosi in piena vista. È l'unico modo nel quale possiamo sopravvivere.
Credo nel mito della Terra. Ho anche scoperto un libro originale, scritto nell'antico linguaggio della mia gente. Il mio compagno, Brody sogna una colonia segreta composta da soli umani. Ne è alla ricerca da anni, raccogliendo ogni notizia in cui ci siamo imbattuti e finalmente ha stabilito un contatto. Di solito è lui che mi tiene coi piedi per terra sulla stazione, evitando che la mia testa non vada troppo in giro sull'atmosfera. È tempo che contraccambi il favore... è così, se solo riuscissi a liberarmi del Ko che mi ha scoperto, a causa della mia incessante ricerca di oggetti terrestri. Se non ci presenteremo all'appuntamento e il Ko non mi uccidesse, Brody potrebbe...

Splendido racconto breve sci-fi di Annie Nicholas.
Adoro il modo di scrivere di questa autrice, partendo dai suoi racconti paranormal romance sui vampiri, scoperti per caso, passando poi a demoni, draghi e ora lo sci-fi. È veramente eclettica e piena di fantasia.
Questa storia è ambientata in una realtà fantascientifica un po' alla Star Trek o Guerre Stellari, piena di creature di diverse razze, descritte in modo così particolareggiato che mi è sembrato vedermele passare davanti.
Il racconto è ben scritto, una bella trama, ricca d'azione e mi è piaciuto molto il legame tra i due protagonisti, Brody e Lucille, pieno di sensualità, ma anche amicizia, fiducia e amore per il proprio compagno.
Vivono sempre col pericolo di essere scoperti e catturati, per poi essere uccisi, ma inseguono un sogno, per il quale sono disposti a rischiare tutto: raggiungere una colonia nascosta di umani e lì vivere in pace e formare una loro famiglia.
Bellissimi veramente, peccato sia un racconto breve, ma spero sia solo l'inizio di una nuova serie sci-fi scritta da Annie Nicholas.
Ringrazio Netgalley e per la Lyrical Press il libro.
VOTO: 4 stelline

TITOLO: No Refuge
AUTRICE: Annie Nicholas
EDITORE: Lyrical Press

 Hunted to near extinction by an alien race called the Ko, my people have run from Earth and drifted so far among the stars we can’t remember the way back. We live everywhere, but call nowhere home. The Ko want us erased from existence and memory. They don’t even want our DNA in the space dust. Humans disguise themselves as other alien species and hide in plain sight. It’s the only way we can survive.
I believe in the myth of Earth. I’ve even discovered a bona fide book written in the dead language of my people. My man, Brody, dreams of a secret human colony. He’s searched for years, hunting any rumor we’ve run across, and finally he’s made contact. Usually, he’s the one grounding me to station and keeping my head out of the atmosphere. Time for me to return the favor…that is, if I can ditch the Ko who’ve discovered me, thanks to my incessant artifact-hunting. If we don’t make our rendezvous, and the Ko don’t kill me, Brody just might…

Amazing sci-fi short story by Annie Nicholas.
I love the way can write this author, her stories from paranormal romance about vampires, discovered by chance, passing then to demons, dragons and now the Sci-Fi. She is truly eclectic and full of fantasy.
This story is set in a fictional reality a little like Star Trek or Star Wars, filled with creatures of different races, described in such detail that I thought I can see them.
The story is well written, a nice plot, action-packed and I really liked the bond between the two protagonists, Brody and Lucille, full of sensuality, but also friendship, trust and love for each other.
Living always with the danger of being discovered and captured, only to be killed, but chasing a dream, for which they are willing to risk everything: reach a hidden human colony and there live in peace and form a family.
Beautiful really, it's a pity it is only a short story, but I hope it is only the beginning of a new sci-fi series written by Annie Nicholas.
Thanks to Netgalley and Lyrical Press for the book.

RATING: 4 stars

 TITLE: No Refuge
AUTHOR: Annie Nicholas
PUBLISHER: Lyrical Press

martedì 3 giugno 2014

Love Comes Home by Andrew Grey

When architect Gregory Hampton’s son, Davey, starts having trouble in Little League, Greg takes him to an eye doctor. The diagnosis hits them hard. Davey’s sight is degenerating rapidly, and eventually he’ll go blind.
Tom Spangler is used to getting what he wants. When Greg captures his attention, he asks Greg for a date. They have a good time until Greg gets a call from the friends watching his son, telling him Davey has fallen. Greg and Tom return to find the worst has happened—Davey can no longer see.
With so much going on in his life, Greg doubts he’ll see Tom again. But Tom has researched beep baseball, where balls and bases make sounds to enable the visually impaired to participate in Little League. Tom spearheads an effort to form a team so Davey can continue to play the game he loves. But when Greg’s ex-wife shows up with her doctor boyfriend, offering a possible cure through a radical procedure, Greg must decide how far he’ll go to give Davey a chance at getting his sight back.

Love Comes Home is the third book in the Senses series by Andrew Grey.
All books can be read as one-shots, each story has different special protagonists and as specials are the story of their romance.
As the title says, Senses, the leitmotif of these M/M romance novels are characters who in one way or another have a disability related to each of the organs of sense.
Actually in this third book is the son of one of the main characters to lose his sight, but this misfortune has a series of repercussions on Greg's life, who actually make no significant between the two who has become blind.
Greg has a deep bond with his ten-year-old son, he fought and obtained his custody after the divorce from his wife, he does not hide his homosexuality to his son and they have an amazing bond, but the impact of what happened to Davey is devastating for them.
Tom meets them because of a party of mutual friends and he remains impressed by the deep love he can see through from the pain that Greg feels for his son knowing what is going to  experience in the future.
In his past Tom didn't have a father figure present and he really struggled for that. He is attracted to Greg both physically and as a person and Greg's paternity  and his problems doesn't scare me.
Tom is a man with a deep sensitivity and he is able to empathise with Davey. From the outside he has a more objective view, he can understand the problems  between Greg and Davey and carefully manages to fit into their lives and to help both of them.
A moving story, very beautiful. A book in which Tom feelings, Greg and Davey are the real stars, the attraction and passion between the two men is there, palpable, but both agree to let it overshadow and so it starts their relationship in a deeper and more important way for them.
I think it might be a good story for anyone curious to read a M/M novel  without fear of feeling embarrassed to find too explicit sexual content.
I arrived halfway through the book without realizing it, because it was smooth and nice story in which I was immersed. I could call it "The world I'd love to live in" this described by Andrew Grey, a reality in which a gay parent gets the sole custody of his son, where a homosexual couple can kiss and hold their hands in the sunlight and a ten-year-old son is happy because the father finds a new mate.
Yes, it would be a beautiful world.
Thanks to Netgalley and Dreamspinner Press and Smith publicityfor the book.


TITLE: Love Comes home
AUTHOR: Andrew Grey
SERIES: Senses #3
PUBLISHER: Dreamspinner Press- Smith Publicity