In 15th century Scotland, Gyllis Campbell arrives at the Beltane festival with one thing on her mind—to win the heart of Sir Sean MacDougall once and for all. Astonishingly, Sir Sean would like nothing more than to oblige the lovely lass.
But when news of his father’s death arrives, Sean races for Dunollie Castle. Unaware of Sean’s tragedy, Gyllis departs the festival thwarted. Worse, a terrible illness strikes her down, and she’s sent to the cloisters of Ardchattan Priory for healing.
Plagued by raids on his lands and deception in his ranks, Sean is embroiled in a battle to regain control. Pulled in a myriad of directions, adversity runs rampant as Gyllis struggles to regain her health and Sean battles the very demon who covets his title. Fighting for their lives, both must prevail before their love can blossom.
More books I read by this author, the more I'm in love with the stories of her Highlanders.
This time not only Sean, the protagonist, is absolutely irresistible thanks to his charm, but I was really amazed by Gyllis as heroine of the book.
I found their story original and beautiful, surely a couple who is facing difficult times due the girl 's severe health problems, but this isn't something that could discouraged Gyllis or scared Sean. It becomes the reason that pushes him to face the true nature of his feelings toward the girl and to encourage Gyllis when she is needing him the most, turning on a light of hope into her life, so she starts to fight her illness with all her strength and will.
A story full of passion, but what impressed me the most was their bond and complicity, the way they tease each other and then how they deal with the intensity of their feelings.
I loved the kindness that Sean shows towards Gyllis, but she is the one who proves to be really extraordinary, willing to do anything to save Sean's life, when he is captured by his arch enemy.
The plot of the book is engaging and well written, I couldn't tear myself away from the book, because I wanted to know what would happen, given that there is no shortage of intrigue and plot twists.
The plot of the book is well written and engaging, I couldn't tear myself away from the book, so I wanted to know what would happen, thanks to intrigues and plot twists.
This is the third book in the series Highland Dynasty, which I recommend to anyone who loves books historical romance with the Highlanders as protagonists.
And I can't wait to read the next book.
Thanks to Netgalley and Rapture Books.
RATING: 4 stars
TITLE: A Highland Knight to Remember
AUTHOR: Amy Jarecki
SERIES: Highland Dynasty #3
PUBLISHER: Rapture Books
Più libri leggo di questa autrice, più rimango entusiasta delle storie dei suoi Highlander.
Questa volta non solo Sean, il protagonista, è assolutamente irresistibile grazie al suo fascino, ma Gyllis mi ha veramente entusiasmato come eroina del libro.
Ho trovato la loro storia molto originale, sicuramente una coppia che si trova ad affrontare momenti difficili, a causa dei gravi problemi di salute di Gyllis, ma questo non scoraggia o spaventa Sean, anzi lo spinge ad affrontare la vera natura dei sentimenti verso la ragazza e a incoraggiarla nel momento del bisogno, accendendo una luce di speranza nella vita di Gyllis che comincia a lottare con tutte le sue forze per guarire.
Una storia ricca di passione, ma quello che mi ha colpito di più è stata la complicità presente tra i due, il modo in cui si stuzzicano per poi affrontare l'intensità dei sentimenti che provano uno per l'altra.
Ho amato le mille attenzioni che Sean mostra nei confronti di Gyllis, ma è lei che si dimostra veramente straordinaria, disposta a tutto pur di salvare la vita di Sean, quando lui viene catturato dal suo acerrimo nemico.
La trama del libro è coinvolgente e scritta altrettanto bene, non riuscivo a staccarmi dal libro, tanto volevo sapere cosa sarebbe successo, visto che non mancano intrighi e colpi di scena.
Questo è il terzo libro della serie Highland Dynasty, che consiglio a chi ama i libri historical romance, che hanno per protagonisti gli Highlander.
E non vedo l'ora di poter leggere il prossimo libro.
Ringrazio Netgalley e la Rapture Books per il libro.
VOTO: 4 stelle