venerdì 29 agosto 2014

How to Reprimand Your Rock Star by Mina Vaughn

In questa novella romance divertente e piccante, Thea, promessa della squadra di basket della sua università, domina su tutti i campi di parquet e non solo, anche fuori da essi, soprattutto con una stella del rock che è determinato a conquistarla.
Thea è una giocatrice di basket, una stella che gioca nella squadra della UConn ed è in lizza per vincere il premio della migliore Rookie dell'anno (miglior giocatore al primo anno di college). Potrebbe diventarlo, se rimanesse concentrata sul gioco. Ma ultimamente non sta andando così bene, da quando il suo ginocchio le sta dando fastidio. Ma quella non è la sola cosa che ha per la testa...
Da quando la rock star Keaton l'ha sorpresa nello spogliatoio femminile, Thea non riesce a smettere di pensare a lui. Nonostante sia famoso e si comporti in modo seducente, lui sembra sapere tutto di lei. Ma alcuni delle sue azioni superano il limite e Keaton ha bisogno di essere punito per questo. Riuscirà Thea a mantenere la testa sulle partite e verrà distratta da altri suoi passatempi preferiti, rimproverando la sua rock star?

È il secondo libro che leggo di Mina Vaughn. Il primo era stato sorprendente e molto, molto divertente, in questo caso mi aspettavo forse un po' troppo e quindi nonostante sia una lettura carina e piacevole, devo dire che non mi sembra all'altezza di How to Discipline Your Vampire.
Mi è piaciuta l'ambientazione nella realtà sportiva del basket universitario femminile, è uno sport che adoro e seguo e quindi mi sono trovata presa dalle vicissitudini sportive di Thea.
I contenuti BDSM in questo libro sono diversi dal solito, più leggeri, con una giovane ragazza che scopre in sé il desiderio di dominare un ragazzo che ha molta più esperienza di lei in questo campo, ed è sicuramente una sfida non semplice da affrontare, ma lei si impegna al massimo decisa a scoprire questo nuovo lato di se stessa e sperimentarlo con Keaton. Non è la solia relazione tra una forte Dominatrice e il suo sottomesso.
Keaton è molto divertente e molto sexy,  veramente imprevedibile, sensuale e irriverente e adorabile.
La loro storia una vera e propria avventura itinerante, a causa delle partite di campionato di lei e dei concerti di lui. Devono fare i salti mortali per vedersi e vivere la loro storia, ma questo è uno delle cose che mi ha affascinato nel loro rapporto.
Carino da leggere, scritto con la solita vena di ironia che contraddistingue i libri di questa scrittrice, un romance sicuramente diverso dai soliti.
Ringrazio Netgalley e la Gallery Threshold Pocket Books per il libro.

VOTO: 3 e 1/2 stelle

TITOLO: How to Reprimand Your Rock Star
AUTRICE: Mina Vaughn
EDITORE: Gallery Threshold Pocket Books

In this fun and saucy romance novel, all-star college basketball player Thea dominates on the courts—and off—with a rock star who is determined to win her over.
Thea is a star basketball player at UConn on track to be Rookie of the Year. That is, if she can stay focused on the game. Lately that hasn’t been going so well, as her knee has been bothering her. But that’s not the only thing on her mind…
Ever since rock star Keaton Lowe surprised her in the girl’s locker room, Thea can’t stop thinking about him. On top of his status and enticing ways, he seems to know everything about her. But some of his actions cross the line, and Keaton needs to be punished. Will Thea keep her head in the game, or get distracted by her other favorite pastime—reprimanding her rock star?

This is the second book I read by Mina Vaughn. The first was amazing and very, very funny, in this case I was expecting maybe a little too much and so despite being a cute and enjoyable read, I must say that it does not seem to me on the dame level as How to Discipline Your Vampire.
I liked the setting in real basketball women's College Sports,  the basket is a sport that I love and I follow, and then I found myself taken from Thea's sporting events.
The BDSM contents in this book are different from the usual, lighter, with a young girl who discovers in herself the desire to dominate a guy who has more experience than her wheel in this field, and it's definitely a challenge not simple to deal with, but she is committed to the most determined to discover this new side of herself and try it with Keaton. It isn't the usual relationship between a strong Domme and her submissive.
Keataon is really fun e very hot, he's unpredictable, sensual and irreverent and adorable.
Their story a real itinerant adventure, because of Championship's matches and the shows of him. They must do somersaults to behold and live their story, but this is one of the things that is fascinating in this book.
Nice to read, written in the usual vein of irony that distinguishes this writer's books, a romance definitely different from usual.
Thanks to Netgalley and Gallery Threshold Pocket Books for the book

Rating: 3 1/2 stars and

Title: How to Reprimand Your Rock Star
AUTHOR: Mina Vaughn
PUBLISHER: Gallery Threshold Pocket Books

giovedì 28 agosto 2014

Crimson Heart by Heather McCollum

Elena ha trascorso la sua intera vita tenendo nascosto il vero nome della sua famiglia, vivendo al limite tra l'essere una nobildonna e parte della servitù in una famiglia di fede protestante. Tenere il segreto sulle sue origine è stato per anni un successo, ma ora con una nuova agguerrita regina cattolica sul trono, i protettori protestanti di Elena vengono presi di mira. E quando Mary la sanguinaria, scopre la reale identità di Elena,la ragazza si vede costretta a scappare in Scozia per difendere non solo la sua libertà, ma la sua stessa vita.
Searc Munro, il guerriero delle Highland, ha anche lui un segreto. In una famiglia di guaritori come la sua, la magia oscura che possiede, che può uccidere, deve essere tenuta nascosta. Ma quando la vita del padre viene minacciata, Searc lascia libero il suo potere letale per salvarlo. Afflitto dagli sguardi pieni di sospetto e dai mormorii nel suo clan, decide di andarsene via da solo, trovandosi invece poi costretto un'altra volta a usare la sua magia per salvare una bellissima ragazza aggredita nella foresta.
Compagni d'esilio Elena e Searc si dirigono verso Edinburgo per trovare rifugio. Invece una serie di omicidi rituali che affliggono la città e un traditore che tenta di assassinare la reggente di Scozia, fanno ricadere i sospetti  su Searc. Quando le voci dell'esistenza di un altro erede al trono britannico raggiungono il Paese, i due devono trovare il modo di fidarsi uno dell'altra, nonostante i loro segreti, prima che sia troppo tardi.

Altro libro che va ad aggiungersi alle mie letture historical romance che hanno per protagonisti gli Highlander.
Crimson Heart è stata un libro molto gradevole da leggere, scritto bene, con una buona trama e dei personaggi interessanti.
La magia del cui potere Searc è dotato sin dalla nascita, o più una maledizione, visto come viene vissuta dall'uomo, aggiunge qualcosa di diverso a questa storia; è un  personaggio intenso, un po' cupo, ma coraggioso, leale, testardo e un uomo d'onore.
Mi è piaciuto da subito, nonostante sia un uomo che porta un po' con difficoltà il peso del suo potere, si isola dagli altri, fugge dai suoi cari per la paura di vedere nei loro occhi lo sguardo di persone impaurite o  disprezzo per quello che lui è. Ma nei momenti che ontano tutto questo viene messo da parte e il guerriero che è in lui prende il posto dell'uomo tormentato da mille dubbi e sensi di colpa.
Elena è anche lei una donna molto singolare, nasconde la sua vera identità perché vuole vivere una vita libera e lontana da intrighi e complotti legati al suo sangue reale. Preferisce  piuttosto lavorare presso qualche famiglia che rivendicare il suo titolo, ma la scelta non entusiasma altre persone che invece la vorrebbero usare. Coraggiosa, anche se a volte a causa della sua ingenuità le cose le sfuggono un po' di mano, intelligente e non si lascia spaventare da Searc e la sua magia, una volta che lo incontra, nonostante tutte le superstizioni dell'epoca.
Il loro viaggio per Edinburgo diventa una vera e propria avventura, nella quale l'attrazione che provano uno verso l'altro avrà la una importanza.
Loro sono una bella coppia, ma anche i personaggi secondari mi sono piaciuti: i genitori di Searc, i Munro, a loro volta una bellissima coppia nella quale amore, complicità e ironia sono evidenti e Mary, la regina, è una donna notevole, divertente ma pericolosamente letale.
Una storia nella quale ho trovato diverse componenti interessanti: intrighi, segreti, un mistero legato alla morte orribile di diverse ragazze innocenti, passione, amore e magia.
Insomma un bel po' di cose direi.
Ringrazio Netgalley e la Entangled Publishing LLC per il libro.

VOTO: 4 stelle

TITOLO: Crimson Heart
AUTRICE: Heather McCollum
EDITORE: Entangled Publishing LLC

Elena has spent her entire life hiding her family name while walking the thin line between lady and servant in a Protestant household. Keeping the secret of her lineage has been a success for years, but now, with a new, fiercely Catholic queen on the throne, Elena's Protestant caretaker is being targeted. And when Bloody Mary discovers Elena's true identity, she must not only flee to Scotland for her freedom, but also for her life.
Highland warrior, Searc Munro, has secrets of his own. In a family of healers, his own dark, killing magic must never be known. But when his father's life is threatened, Searc unleashes his lethal power to save him. With his clan's suspicious glances and whispers plaguing him, he sets off alone, only to find another use for his magic in saving a beautiful lass being attacked in the forest.
Teaming up as exiles, Elena and Searc head toward Edinburg to find refuge. Yet, with a series of ritual killings haunting the city and a traitor attempting to assassinate Scotland's regent, suspicion turns to Searc. As word of another British heir reaches the country, the two must find a way to trust each other, despite their secrets, before it's too late.

Another book that I can add to my reading historical romance about the Highlanders.
Crimson Heart was a very enjoyable book to read, well written, with a good plot and interesting characters.
The magic and the power that Searc has since his birth, or a curse, as is experienced by the man, adds something different to this story; he's intense as fictional character, a littore dark, but brave, loyal, stubborn and a man of honor.
I liked him immediately, although he's a man carrying the weight of his power, isolates from the others, he escapes from his loved ones for fear to see in their eyes a look full of fear for what he is; But when the times get tough, he puts aside everything and the Warrior in him takes the place of a man tormented by a thousand doubts and feelings of guilt.
Elena is also a very unique woman, she's hiding her true identity because she wants to live a free life and away from intrigues and conspiracies related to her actual bloodline. She prefers rather to work for some family beside that claim her title, but this choice is not enthused that other people would like to use her. Courageous, even if sometimes due to her naivety things escape a little from her hand, intelligent and she's not scared from Search and his magic, despite all the superstitions of the time.
Their trip to Edinburgh becomes a real adventure, in which the attraction they feel for one another will have its importance.
They are a lovely couple, but I liked also the minor characters: Searc's parents, the Munro, a beautiful couple their love, complicity and irony are obvious and Mary, the Queen, is a remarkable woman, funny but dangerously fatal.
A story in which I found several interesting components: intrigue, secrets, a mystery tied to the horrible death of several innocent girls, passion, love and magic.
In short, a lot of things I would say.
Thanks to Netgalley and Entangled Publishing LLC for the book.

RATING: 4 stars

TITLE: Crimson Heart
AUTHOR: Heather McCollum
PUBLISHER: Entangled Publishing LLC

martedì 5 agosto 2014

Crave the Night by Lara Adrian

Bello, bello, bello. la mia recensione in italiano la potete trovare su Romanticamente Fantasy Sito.
Vi lascio il link, andate a dare un'occhiata Federica, una delle ragazze che si occupa della veste grafica ha fatto un capolavoro e potrete vedere Nathan e Jordana in carne e ossa :-)

Born and raised to be an emotionless killing machine, Nathan is one of the most lethal Breed vampires in existence. A key member of the Order—an elite group of warriors charged with protecting both mortals and vampires—Nathan executes each mission with flawless precision and a total lack of mercy. Now he must pursue a powerful, hidden enemy. But Nathan’s hard discipline and training are no match for the fierce pull he feels toward a young woman he has no right to desire—a woman of wealth and high social standing who has long been promised to another Breed male, and who may also prove to be the key to rooting out Nathan’s elusive quarry.
Jordana lives a life of glittering privilege as a member of a prominent Breed family in Boston. Surrounded by fine things and fawning admirers, Jordana wants for nothing—until she crosses paths with a dark, intense warrior from the Order and finds herself swept into an impulsive, sizzling kiss that neither of them will forget. As much as she tries to deny her deep feelings for Nathan, Jordana cannot resist the craving to be near him, to break through his forbidding walls and see the man he truly is. But getting close to Nathan will thrust Jordana into a treacherous new world, forcing her to risk all she has and all she knows about herself and her past. And loving this seductive man could be the most dangerous temptation of all.

Lara Adrian will never stop to amaze me with her Midnight Breed.
Crave the Night is the 12th book in this series and it is one of the most beautiful written by this author. Looking back to the first boocantone reader can see a profound change in the stories of Ms. Adrian, they began a more choral works, thanks to the different characters,  but always maintaining the focus of the story on the two main protagonists to whom is dedicated the book; I guess one of the major talents of this writer is the ability to tell her stories in a simple way, letting the plot develops in a way so smooth that the pages fly off one after the other. Then how to remain immune to the charms of her Breeds?
Nathan, the protagonist of this book along with Jordana, is irresistible. It was by the time of Tegan, I didn't meet an equally fascinating character. Dark and absolutely dominant, he has been conditioned since his early childhood to avoid any kind of emotions, so he could be  war machine, the perfect killer, cold and calculating.
Ms Adrian has not softened or blunted these characteristics. In fact, this vampire apparently so emotionless, is like  a volcano remained quiet and inactive for many years, then suddenly ready to explode and trample all over.
An impulsive act of Jordana, a simple Kiss, creates a crack in the wall that Nathan has built and that take him far away from the other, but slowly, despite himself, the young woman was able to push Nathan, in losing his self-control so renowned.
At first, the character of Jordana can mislead, she may seem like a littleinsecure, a weak girl who lives in her own world protected by a crystal ball, but in reality she proves to be quite different. She is at a crossroads: to be the perfect girl, never above the lines, which take decisions which all expect and want from her, or follow her instincts, which drives her to make a leap into the void, not knowing if there will be someone ready to pick her up.
I really liked the contrast between Jordana and Nathan, but mostly I adored their direct way in the deal. Well, actually, the term directed to Nathan is a bit of a euphemism, he is  more a caterpillar... Jordana for him and her emotions are an open book, he is able to "read" through her and doesn't allow her to hide. Luckily he does not fall into the vicious circle of "I am not worthy of you", which sometimes I can't stand in some male characters in books. Yes, he thinks that, but as he says himself, he believed not to be worthy of Jordana, but he's pretty selfish to go on his way, to attempt to conquer her. And for this reason the pedestal on which I put for years Tegan has faltered and little ...
Another strong point of Crave the Night is the eroticism and sensuality that unleashes Nathan, or rather the skill of the writer to create intense and incandescent scenes as well, without ever being vulgar, and I've experienced a mystical moment reading the description of Nathan ... practically I dislocated my jaw, because of my mouth was  so left open. How do you say? So much stuff? Never too much though ...
Closing Nathan a moment in my own cabinet, otherwise the neurons don't vive me peace, I must also say that I found the story of Jordana and the plot of the book interesting and could lead to new innovations in the future.
Already in the book of Mira and Kellan there had been a real chaos in the Breed and of humans' lifes and in the new stories the Breeds discover real surprises and new enemies.
I'm curious to see what future will bring with this author and, above all, who are the protagonists of the next book, I did not find major clues, I have an idea, but that is because there are really many players still to be explored among the sons of the original nucleus of the Breeds
Thanks to Netgalley and Random House Publishing Group- Bantam Dell for the kind preview.

Rating: 5 stars