sabato 9 gennaio 2016

Intimate by Kate Douglas

From bestselling author Kate Douglas comes the first book in a sensational new series set in California wine country—a place where love is always intoxicating...


They call her Kaz. She's a gorgeous model with a good head for business—until now, at least. Kaz has just been fired from her latest photo shoot for having the wrong tattoo in the wrong place at the wrong time. But a chance encounter with photographer Jake Lowell could make everything right again . . . if Kaz is willing to accept his proposition. What does she have to lose?


Jake has been searching for the perfect model to pose for a body-jewelry shoot—one that will leave no room for modesty. Is Kaz, who is nothing if not professional, ready to bare it all for a man she is not sure she can trust? It's an offer that's too good to refuse . . . and as Kaz finds herself growing more comfortable with Jake, the attraction between them reaches arousing new heights. But while the artist and his subject learn more about each other in the intimacy of wine country, evil lurks in the shadows—and soon it becomes clear that someone else has designs on them...

Book very hot and full of sensuality and absolutely perfect for me as I love tattoos and piercings.
I really loved the setting of the book, the history and the bond that arises between the photographer and her model and how they decide to live at full, no holds barred, their relationship knowing that it's a story that will last only as long as the photo shoot.
Jake in the beginning omits information about himself which he knows could be a big problem with Kaz. Because of his past howeveatee knows he can't build a future with her, he can have her only few days so he conceils everything even the risk of being targeted by a stalker who appears to be obsessed with him.
The plot becomes a bit repetitive at one point because it is based primarily on their strong attraction and from mid book onwards it becomes a bit more focused on the mystery stalker who pursued them.
 I enjoyed the story, it's a good hot read.
Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for the book.

RATING: 4 stars

Libro pieno molto hot e pieno di sensualità e assolutamente perfetto per me che amo tatuaggi e piercing.
Ho amato molto l'ambientazione del libro, la storia e l'intesa che nasce tra il fotografo e la sua modella e come decidano di vivere il tutto liberamente c'è senza freni, sapendo che è una storia che durerà solo per il tempo del servizio fotografico.
Jake sin dall'inizio omette informazioni su di sé che sa potrebbero essere una brutta scoperta per Kaz. A causa del suo passato comunque sono destinati a non avere un futuro, ma pur avere la possibilità di stare con lui solo qualche giorno tace e le tiene nascosto anche il rischio di essere nel mirino di uno stalker che sembra essere ossessionato da Jake.
La trama diventa a un certo punto un po' ripetitiva visto che è basata soprattutto sulla loro forte attrazione e da metà libro in poi la cosa diventa un po' più incentrata sul mistero legato allo stalker che li perseguita.
Il libro mi è piaciuto abbastanza nell'insieme.
Ringrazio Netgalley e la St. Martin's Press per il libro.

VOTO: 4 stelle

TITLE: Intimate
AUTHOR: Kate Douglas
SERIE: intimate Relations #1
PUBLISHER: St. Martin's Press

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