Hero of my Heart è un historical romance carino e di facile lettura, ambientato tra l'Inghilterra e la Scozia. Si può vedere anche come il racconto romantico e appassionato del viaggio di una coppia che affronta diversi imprevisti sulla via del ritorno verso Londra, infatti la maggior parte della storia è ambientata durante questa fuga un po' rocambolesca.
Mary Smith è la giovane figlia di un vicario, che alla morte del padre, viene letteralmente offerta all'asta in una taverna al miglior offerente dal fratellastro, che ha bisogno di denaro per pagare degli ingenti debiti di gioco; la ragazza è stata drogata ed è del tutto inconsapevole del destino che l'aspettavo.
Alasdair Thornam è un gentiluomo presente per caso nella taverna, impegnato ad affondare i propri dispiaceri nell'alcol, ma quando si rende conto di quello che sta succedendo decide di acquistare la ragazza per salvarla, capendo di essere il rischio minore che le possa capitare. L'uomo, infatti, non si ritiene esattamente la migliore delle persone: ha una dipendenza per l'oppio e diversi problemi personali che lo spingono all'autodistruzione, ma pensa di poter riuscire a gestire la situazione fino al momento in cui accompagnerà la ragazza a Londra, per metterla al sicuro e farle cominciare una nuova vita.
Mary ben presto si accorge che l'uomo che l'ha salvata e si è offerto di sposarla per mantenere integra la sua reputazione, ha dei grossi problemi, a sprazzi intravede l'uomo che è stato una volta e pensa di poterlo aiutare, durante il loro viaggio, a superare i problemi che lo affliggono, per poi separare le loro strade una volta arrivati a destinazione.
Il libro è stata una lettura piacevole, ma non mi ha convinto completamente in alcuni aspetti dei personaggi e della storia.
Alasdair è il classico esempio di eroe tormentato, ma la facilità con cui alterna il suo malessere legato all'astinenza da oppio a momenti di completa lucidità e performance da atleta, sia nel letto che per difendersi dagli imprevisti del viaggio verso Londra, è una visione un po' troppo ottimistica delle sue condizioni.
Mary, coraggiosa, tenace s spiritosa si adatta alla situazione, al matrimonio e alla passione che nutre per quest'uomo in modo un po' troppo veloce. Capisco che siano sposati, ma dalla figlia di un vicario, per quanto abbia fatto due chiacchiere con l'amica, non mi aspettavo certamente tanta disinvoltura. La conclusione del libro mi è sembrata un po' affrettata e semplice, diciamo che carne al fuoco ce n'era per rendere il tutto più intrigante.
Si ringraziano Netgalley e la Loveswept per la gentile preview.
TITOLO: Hero of my Heart
AUTRICE: Megan Frampton
EDITORE: Loveswept
DATA PUBBLICAZIONE: uscita prevista per l'8aprile 2013
Hero of my Heart it's a historical romance cute and easy-to-read, set between England and Scotland. You can also see as a romantic and passionate tale of a couple on the way back to London, in fact most of the story is set during an escape with a bit of adventure.
Mary Smith is the vicar's young daughter, who after his father's death, is literally offered at auction in a tavern to the highest bidder by his half-brother, who needs money to pay for the huge gambling debts; the girl was drugged and is totally unaware of the fate that can expected her.
Alasdair Thornam is a gentleman in the tavern, lost in his sorrows while he drinks alcohol, but when he realizes what is going to happen he decides to buy the girl and save her, realizing he's the lower risk. The man, in fact, is not exactly a good man: he has an addiction to opium and other personal problems that lead him to self-destruction, but he thinks he can manage to handle the situation until he'll accompany the girl to London, to put her safe and let her start a new life.
Mary soon realizes that the man who saved and offered to marry her to keep her reputation intact, has big problems, the man shows glimpses of who he was once and she thinks she can help him, on their way to London , to overcome the problems that afflict him, then they can separate their paths once have arrived at their destination.
The book was a pleasant read, but I'm not convinced completely in some characters' aspects and by the story.
Alasdair is the classic example of a tormented hero, but the ease with which alternates his illness opium withdrawal) linked to moments of total lucidity and full performance of hot sex and showing fisical power to defend against the trip's dangers to London is a rather too optimistic vision of his condition.
Mary is courageous, tenacious, her spirit's adapts to the situation, but for a young and innocent girl it seems a little too fast to show such passion for a man, a stranger, yes he's gorgeus and I understand they're married, but by a vicar's daughter, who had only a chat with her friend about sex, I expected more shyness. The end of book it seemed a bit too rushed and simple.
Thanks to Netgalley and Loveswept for the preview.
RATING: 3 stars
TITLE: "Hero of my Heart"
AUTHOR: Megan Frampton
PUBLISHER: Loveswept
PUBLICATION DATE: release scheduled for April 8, 2013
Hero of my Heart it's a historical romance cute and easy-to-read, set between England and Scotland. You can also see as a romantic and passionate tale of a couple on the way back to London, in fact most of the story is set during an escape with a bit of adventure.
Mary Smith is the vicar's young daughter, who after his father's death, is literally offered at auction in a tavern to the highest bidder by his half-brother, who needs money to pay for the huge gambling debts; the girl was drugged and is totally unaware of the fate that can expected her.
Alasdair Thornam is a gentleman in the tavern, lost in his sorrows while he drinks alcohol, but when he realizes what is going to happen he decides to buy the girl and save her, realizing he's the lower risk. The man, in fact, is not exactly a good man: he has an addiction to opium and other personal problems that lead him to self-destruction, but he thinks he can manage to handle the situation until he'll accompany the girl to London, to put her safe and let her start a new life.
Mary soon realizes that the man who saved and offered to marry her to keep her reputation intact, has big problems, the man shows glimpses of who he was once and she thinks she can help him, on their way to London , to overcome the problems that afflict him, then they can separate their paths once have arrived at their destination.
The book was a pleasant read, but I'm not convinced completely in some characters' aspects and by the story.
Alasdair is the classic example of a tormented hero, but the ease with which alternates his illness opium withdrawal) linked to moments of total lucidity and full performance of hot sex and showing fisical power to defend against the trip's dangers to London is a rather too optimistic vision of his condition.
Mary is courageous, tenacious, her spirit's adapts to the situation, but for a young and innocent girl it seems a little too fast to show such passion for a man, a stranger, yes he's gorgeus and I understand they're married, but by a vicar's daughter, who had only a chat with her friend about sex, I expected more shyness. The end of book it seemed a bit too rushed and simple.
Thanks to Netgalley and Loveswept for the preview.
RATING: 3 stars
TITLE: "Hero of my Heart"
AUTHOR: Megan Frampton
PUBLISHER: Loveswept
PUBLICATION DATE: release scheduled for April 8, 2013
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