Quattro stelle a questo racconto breve, che mi è piaciuto tantissimo. Perché solo un rating di quattro? Perché con dei personaggi così belli e divertenti avrei preferito un romanzo vero e proprio, con una trama più ricca e articolata, la sua brevità mi ha lasciato un po' dispiaciuta.
La bravura della scrittrice è stata nel riuscire a entrare subito nel vivo della storia, e avendo poche pagine a disposizione è stata una cosa fondamentale per l'evolversi del racconto.
Thea Willers è la giovane figlia di un conte, che tenta in tutti i modi di sfuggire all'hobby principale della madre, organizzarle un bel matrimonio con qualche pretendente papabile per la sua posizione sociale. La ragazza che è cresciuta con una certa libertà e, grazie al volere del padre, ha potuto studiare in modo approfondito, cosa inconsueta per le donne dell'epoca, ha una mente sveglia e brillante e ha in mente dei progetti importanti per la sua vita: poter fare una carriera, scrivere e soprattutto non avere un marito che limiti la libertà, che è sempre stata abituata ad avere. Questo però va contro il volere dei genitori e non riceve nessun sostegno dal fratello, troppo impegnato a perdersi nei paradisi artificiali che gli regala il laudano.
James Hunter è appena rientrato dall'Australia, nuova colonia dell'Inghilterra dove ha scontato una pena di sette anni di lavori forzati, a causa di una truffa che in realtà non ha commesso. L'uomo si è incolpato del fatto per salvare la sua famiglia dalla rovina, preferisce infangare la sua reputazione in cambio di soldi che potrebbero risolvere i problemi economici della famiglia, ma ha anche un altro piano, per riguadagnare l'ingresso nella buona società, dove i soldi non bastano, conclude un accordo col padre del vero colpevole: quando tornerà dalla colonia avrà il diritto di sposare la figlia del conte Willers, la nostra cara Thea.
La trappola per la nostra eroina sembra scattata, ma in realtà James Hunter si dimostra molto diverso da tutti gli uomini che ha conosciuto e la ragazza, nonostante in un primo momento si opponga all'unione, in seguito comincia a pensare che qualche lato positivo ci possa essere nello sposare quell'uomo così affascinante e non convenzionale.
Thea è un personaggio divertente, con una mente molto intelligente e furba, ne studia di tutti i colori per potersi liberare dai progetti della madre, ho ammirato molto anche la sua testardaggine e coraggio.
James è l'uomo ideale per un romance di questo tipo, bello e dannato, ma al tempo stesso estremamente intelligente, con un comportamento insolito rispetto a quello che ci si potrebbe aspettare da un gentiluomo, ma al tempo stesso orgoglioso e leale.
Una bella coppia veramente, che avrebbe potuto dare origine a uno splendido romanzo, peccato, comunque mi sono gustata e divertita con questa lettura così veloce, ne è valsa la pena.
Quindi libro di prossima uscita (1 marzo) consigliatissimo per gli amanti del genere.
VOTO: 4 stelle
TITOLO: The Convict's Bounty Bride
AUTRICE: Lena Dowling
EDITORE: Harlequin Enterprises Australia
DATA PUBLICAZIONE : uscita prevista 1 marzo 2013
Four stars for this short novel, I liked it a lot. Why only a rating of four? Because the characters are so beautiful and funny that I would have preferred a real novel with a richer and more complex plot, the thing was so short left me a little disappointed.
With her skill the writer was in being able to get shortly right to the heart of the story, and this is a very important thing in a short novel.
Thea Willers is the young daughter of an Earl, she tries in every way to escape to her mother's main hobby: organize a beautiful wedding with some suitable men for her social position. The girl who she grew up with a certain freedom and, thanks to the her father's will, she has been able to study, something unusual for women at that time, she has a sharp mind and she has very brilliant and important projects in mind for her life: she wants a career, writing and she especially doesn't want to be wed with a husband that restricts her freedom that she's always been accustomed to having. This, however, goes against her parents' wishes and she receives no support from her brother, who is too busy getting lost in artificial paradises that the laudanum gives him.
James Hunter is just returned from Australia, new colony of England where he spent a the last seven years as a convict, as a result of a scam which actually he didn't commit. The man himself to save his family from ruin, he prefers to ruin his reputation in exchange for money that could solve his family's economic problems, but he also has another plan, in order to regain entry into polite society, where money is not enough, he makes an agreement with the parent of the real culprit: when he will return from the colony he will have the right to marry the Earl's daughter, our dear Thea.
The trap for our heroine seems to have taken, but in fact James Hunter proves to be a very different from all the men the girl knew and although at first she objected to the Union, then she begins to think there are some enjoyful points in the marriage this man so charming and unconventional.
Thea is a funny character, with a very clever mind, she's smart , and she studies all sorts of thing to free herself from mother's projects, I admired a lot even her stubbornness and courage.
James is the ideal man for a romance, beautiful and damned, but at the same time extremely intelligent, with his unusual behavior compared to what you might expect from a gentleman, but at the same time he's proud and loyal.
A really nice couple, a real novel with them it could be so beautiful, however I enjoyed and had fun with this reading, it's worth it.
I reccomend the forthcoming book (March 1) to people in love with this kind of book.
Thanks to Netgalley and Harlequin Enterprises Australia for the preview.
Rating: 4 stars
TITLE: The Convict's Bounty Bride
AUTHOR: Lena Dowling
EDITORE: Harlequin Enterprises Australia
PUBLICATION DATE: released by March 2013
Four stars for this short novel, I liked it a lot. Why only a rating of four? Because the characters are so beautiful and funny that I would have preferred a real novel with a richer and more complex plot, the thing was so short left me a little disappointed.
With her skill the writer was in being able to get shortly right to the heart of the story, and this is a very important thing in a short novel.
Thea Willers is the young daughter of an Earl, she tries in every way to escape to her mother's main hobby: organize a beautiful wedding with some suitable men for her social position. The girl who she grew up with a certain freedom and, thanks to the her father's will, she has been able to study, something unusual for women at that time, she has a sharp mind and she has very brilliant and important projects in mind for her life: she wants a career, writing and she especially doesn't want to be wed with a husband that restricts her freedom that she's always been accustomed to having. This, however, goes against her parents' wishes and she receives no support from her brother, who is too busy getting lost in artificial paradises that the laudanum gives him.
James Hunter is just returned from Australia, new colony of England where he spent a the last seven years as a convict, as a result of a scam which actually he didn't commit. The man himself to save his family from ruin, he prefers to ruin his reputation in exchange for money that could solve his family's economic problems, but he also has another plan, in order to regain entry into polite society, where money is not enough, he makes an agreement with the parent of the real culprit: when he will return from the colony he will have the right to marry the Earl's daughter, our dear Thea.
The trap for our heroine seems to have taken, but in fact James Hunter proves to be a very different from all the men the girl knew and although at first she objected to the Union, then she begins to think there are some enjoyful points in the marriage this man so charming and unconventional.
Thea is a funny character, with a very clever mind, she's smart , and she studies all sorts of thing to free herself from mother's projects, I admired a lot even her stubbornness and courage.
James is the ideal man for a romance, beautiful and damned, but at the same time extremely intelligent, with his unusual behavior compared to what you might expect from a gentleman, but at the same time he's proud and loyal.
A really nice couple, a real novel with them it could be so beautiful, however I enjoyed and had fun with this reading, it's worth it.
I reccomend the forthcoming book (March 1) to people in love with this kind of book.
Thanks to Netgalley and Harlequin Enterprises Australia for the preview.
Rating: 4 stars
TITLE: The Convict's Bounty Bride
AUTHOR: Lena Dowling
EDITORE: Harlequin Enterprises Australia
PUBLICATION DATE: released by March 2013
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