sabato 17 maggio 2014

Anteprima: The Saint by Tiffany Reisz

Anteprima tra i libri di prossima uscita in lingua originale e quindi inediti in Italia.
La data prevista per la pubblicazione di “The Saint “di Tiffany Reisz è il 24giugno 2014.
Primo libro della serie “White Years", con la quale l'autrice ci farà fare un tuffo nel passato, raccontando le storie dei protagonisti della sua precedente serie “Il peccato originale”.

Ringrazio Netgalley e la Harlequin MIRA per la gentile anteprima del libro.

La recensione completa in italiano la potete leggere su Romanticamente Fantasy Sito a questo link:

Before she became Manhattan's most famous dominatrix, Nora Sutherlin was merely a girl called Eleanor…
Rebellious, green-eyed Eleanor never met a rule she didn't want to break. She's sick of her mother's zealotry and the confines of Catholic school, and declares she'll never go to church again. But her first glimpse of beautiful, magnetic Father Marcus Stearns—Søren to her and only her—and his lust-worthy Italian motorcycle is an epiphany. Eleanor is consumed—yet even she knows being in love with a priest can't be right.
But when one desperate mistake nearly costs Eleanor everything, it is Søren who steps in to save her. When she vows to repay him with complete obedience, a whole world opens before her as he reveals to her his deepest secrets that will change everything.
Danger can be managed—pain, welcomed. Everything is about to begin.

Speechless. This book has thrilled me so much, that now after I finished it, I feel like I am empty after it giving me so much and at the same time now it leaves me here alone trying to express in words what I felt reading it.
I' m not exaggerating in saying that is the most beautiful love story I've ever read and I still lack many pieces of their mosaic. Why Nora, Søren and Kingsley for me are this: an amazing mosaic, an artwork that you have to appreciate as a whole, each piece is different, but fits perfectly with each other and separately would not have the same beauty and would not have been able to create in me this tangle of thoughts and emotions.
When I say the most beautiful love story ever read I don't mean something like Romeo and Juliet. The Saint, like all books in the series the Original Sinners by Ms Reisz, is a reading for adults with sex scenes described in a very explicit way and important BDSM content, due to the nature of the protagonists, who express their sexuality with acts of sadism and masochism, always consensual.
Yet despite this, how much love there is in this book, in all its protagonists.
The book begins in the present with Nora that is going through a moment for her really full of pain, she is alone in Germany, but a person who knows her follow her, and manages to convince her to accept his help, although Nora accepting this help, this person who can help her to forget for a night her lacerating pain, will have its price, but she is willing to pay it.
She goes back with her mind in the past telling him things as a fairy tale of her story with Søren, so she can help him to understand them and understand Kinglsey.
This should be the book of Søren, where he recounts his past and his meeting with Nora, through which the author wants to let us know how it may born the relationship that binds them.
I can't see this story just so, it would be simplistic to put him at the center of everything and that's it. He is the Sun? Yes, he is that for Nora, for Kingsley, but in this story Nora is a bright star that shines with her own light, I was enchanted by this rebellious girl, who has already learn at fifteen differiate she's different from the others, but she accepts the challenge and she decides to be herself, though this may make her suffer.
She does not have a father figure, or better lose him that find him, her mother didn't make mystery to see her as a big problem in her life, a mistake of youth that has prevented her from realizing her dream of becoming a nun.
And then comes Father Stearns, an older man, who because of his role in the community, it should be for her just a fantasy but a prohibited one: but she feels drawn inexorably from the new priest of her church.
Søren, alias father Marcus Stearns, recognizes that for him Eleonor is "the One", his greatest temptation and the biggest danger for his role.
The beauty of their story, their relationship is that they don't hide their feeling behind fears or prejudices.
Søren is the only person who encourages Nora, guides her to believe in herself and tries to protect her and keep her safe from the dangers that surround her. He push her to grow and in the worst moment of Nora's life he intervenes to help her, exposing himself firsthand.
Their relationship remains chaste when she's so young, he needs that Nora is able to grow, live a normal life as much as possible, making her experience, so she'll be able to really choose him because the baggage that Søren bring back with him is no small thing.
His childhood was awful, the discover of his sadistic nature for him it was a real shock and he has found a balance with himself and his ability to control through the Jesuits and the Church. He will never give up this part of himself, but he doesn't want and can't give up Nora and their bond.
In addition to Søren past by is also recounted the evolution of their story and Kingsley is a major protagonist in this moment. He knows many secrets of Søren, he is very close to him, but he can't help but become part of Nora's life. Since his first appearance I adored him.
The strength of the character of Søren I think it's the acceptance for himself, he has no remorse, he found his balance and this is his strength and what can pass on to others. Sometimes he plays the role of "avenging angel" in a terrible way, but I would not have expected anything less from him, and the fact he did not repent of his actions is what conveys a deep awareness to others of how strong his love and protective instincts are towards them.
Perhaps, in comparison to other books in the series Original Sinners, the number of sex scenes featured in this one is minor, even if nothing is missing from this point of view ... but I think the intent of Ms Reisz was really to put at the center of everything the bond between Nora and Søren.
I devoured the first half of the book, I laughed with the effrontery to Nora, I was amused by the imperturbability of Søren's answers to Nora, I was enchanted by his ability to put her first before everything to protect her and help her.
Then I stop, I didn't want to finish the book, and I kept rereading the pages back and in the end I decided to continue, knowing that once I've finished reading it I was going to feel empty. Madness? I don't know, I don't think so, I think and I hope that many of you thanks to this story will feel the same things I felt.
Thanks to Netgalley and Harlequin MIRA for the kind preview


TITLE: The Saint
AUTHOR: Tiffany Reisz
SERIES: Original Sinners: White Years #1
RELEASE DATE: June 24, 2014

martedì 13 maggio 2014

The Forgotten Seamstress
Liz Trenow
Nel 1910 a Londra, una notevole giovane sarta viene notato dalla regina Mary e dato una posizione nel palazzo reale.

Un secolo più tardi, Caroline, un designer , scopre una misteriosa coperta fatta a mano  con un curioso versetto ricamato nella sua fodera. Quando Caroline scopre che il tessuto della trapunta è di seta  uguale a quella usata per corredi reali , comincia a scavare più a fondo. Si scopre così  la straordinaria storia di due donne le cui vite si scontrano con conseguenze devastanti. Ma quel segreto impallidisce in confronto alla verità Caroline finalmente impara a conoscere se stessa.

La storia non ha subito catturato il mio interesse, in principio ho fatto fatica a capire chi fossero i protagonisti  e quale il soggetto principale della storia; ma poi tutto è diventato chiaro ed emozionante, tutti i pezzi sono andati al loro posto proprio come i tasselli di un patchwork.
Maria  è un personaggio affascinante e intelligente, ingenua e innocente ma anche forte e determinata, vittima di regole sociali che l’hanno quasi annientata . La passione del cucito e la fiducia nella  verità l’hanno aiutata a scegliere la vita.
Carolina invece, è una giovane donna che ama la città e il movimento ma è annoiata e insoddisfatta ma che poi riscoprirà i suoi sogni e i veri valori.
Una straordinaria storia di donne, di fato e destini incrociati, di madri e figli, di amore e dolore,  perdite e riconciliazioni. Un mistero e una storia d’amore, favola e realtà, passato e presente, verità e fantasia.
Come il filo con cui Maria cuce la sua coperta così l’autrice tesse la sua trama, collegando gli eventi  che porteranno Carolina  a scoprire non solo chi ha cucito la coperta ma anche conoscere  le sue radici e realizzare  che donna  vorrà diventare .
Un racconto complesso ma ben orchestrato che mantiene accesso l’interesse fino all’ultima pagina.
Ho apprezzato il viaggio che ha compiuto Carolina , di fatti alla fine del libro non è la stessa che abbiamo conosciuto nelle prime pagine. Tra i personaggi secondari mi è piaciuto molto Ben e come il suo rapporto con Carolina sia evoluto piano e dolcemente.
Un libro che consiglio vivamente di leggere.
Grazie a Netgallery    per la lettura.

Pagine: 320 pages
Data di pubblicazione: May 13th 2014
Editore: Sourcebooks Landmark
Lingua: inglese

The story has not caught my interest immediatly , in the beginning I struggled to figure out who the main characters were and what the main subject of was , but then it all became clear and exciting, all the pieces are gone to their place just like the pieces of a patchwork .
Mary is a fascinating and intelligent, naive and innocent, but also strong and determined , a victim of social rules that have almost destroyed her but the passion of sewing and confidence in the truth helped her to choose life.
Carolina on the other hand , is a young woman who loves the city and the movement but is bored and dissatisfied but then discovers that her dreams and true values ​​.
An extraordinary story of women , of fate and crossed destinies , mothers and sons , love and pain , loss and reconciliation . A mystery and love story , fable and reality, past and present, truth and fantasy.
As the thread with which Maria sews her quilt so the author weaves her  plot , connecting the events leading Carolina to know not only his roots but also the woman who wants to become .
A story complex but well-orchestrated  that keeps your interest until the last page .
I enjoyed the journey that has made Carolina,  ​​at the end of the book  she is not the same woman that we have known in the first pages . Among the secondary characters I really liked  Ben and how his relationship with Carolina has evolved softly and sweetly .
A book that I highly recommend reading .
Thanks to Netgallery for the reading

L'eredità del serpente di Diletta Brizzi

La vita di Aurora, ventitreenne con la passione per l'esoterismo e le pratiche occulte, scorre serena e monotona. Almeno fino a quando non incrocerà gli occhi di ghiaccio di un uomo inquietante e apparentemente privo di umanità che sembra essere legato al suo passato...un passato ancestrale di cui la giovane ragazza ignora persino l'esistenza.
Lui è Azazel, uno dei sette Principi dell'Inferno, decaduto dal Cielo in un'epoca dimenticata dall'uomo a causa di un peccato che per grazia divina era concesso unicamente agli esseri umani: l'amore.
Ma le cose per lui non stanno andando si aspettava.
Spogliato delle vesti di Principe dall'Imperatore Lucifero, suo padre, intenzionato a riconquistarne la fiducia e riprendere il posto che gli spetta accanto a lui, Azazel tenta di infrangere la più antica e catastrofica profezia biblica, per volgere la vittoria finale a favore dell'Inferno.
Un'impresa che lo porterà a incrociare il cammino di Aurora, ragazza dallo sguardo familiare, del più potente Arcangelo del Cielo, interessato anch'egli alla giovane e a una profezia le cui radici furono poste in un passato che tutti e tre sembrano aver dimenticato e che li riguarda molto da vicino.

Ho letteralmente divorato questo racconto. Entra subito nel vivo della storia in modo intrigante e misterioso, ribaltando l'idea che mi ero fatta su chi potessero essere "buoni e cattivi" nella storia. Pieno di ritmo e con due protagonisti ben caratterizzati. Aurora mi è piaciuta molto per il suo spirito combattivo e la sua prontezza nell'adattarsi alla nuova realtà alla quale si trova di fronte. Mi piace lo stile di questa autrice, come ha volute reinterpretare la visione di angeli e demoni e per le citazioni e la ricostruzione che ha voluto preparare per il suo racconto, nonostante fosse una storia breve. Ben scritte anche le scene d'amore, passionali ma non volgari. L'apparizione nel finale di Sytry e Dike mi fanno sperare che in futuro la scrittrice decida di scrivere un racconto sulla loro storia o meglio ancora che questo racconto breve dia il via a una serie su questi angeli caduti. Mi piacerebbe molto!

VOTO: 4 stelle

mercoledì 7 maggio 2014

Azzanna il libro: un mese speciale di giveaway su Romanticamente Fantasy Sito

Eccomi qui :-)
Vi segnalo questa splendida iniziativa di Romanticamente Fantasy Sito, in collaborazione con le case editrici e le autrici stesse, che hanno messo a disposizione i loro splendidi libri per una serie di giveaway durante questo mese di maggio.
Partecipate numerosi!!!

martedì 6 maggio 2014

Anteprima: A Sword Upon the Rose by Brenda Joyce

Anteprima per le uscite in lingua originale e inedito in Italia.

Recensione in italiano completa pubblicata su Romanticamente Fantasy Sito a questo link:

A Sword Upon The Rose of Brenda Joyce, is a historical romance that will be published by Harlequin the June 24, 2014.
Thank you Netgalley and Harlequin for the kindly preview.

A bastard daughter, Alana was cast away at birth and forgotten by her mighty Comyn family. Raised in solitude by her grandmother, she has remained at a safe distance from the war raging through Scotland. But when a battle comes close to home and she finds herself compelled to save an enemy warrior from death, her own life is thrown into danger.
Iain of Islay's allegiance is to the formidable Robert Bruce. His beautiful rescuer captures both his attention and his desire, but Alana must keep her identity a secret even as she is swept up into a wild and forbidden affair. But as Bruce's army begins the final destruction of the earldom, Alana must decide between the family whose acceptance she's always sought, or the man she so wrongly loves.

A Sword Upon the Rose is a beautiful historical romance novel, well written, set in a Scotland divided by war between the Comyn and people faithful to Robert the Bruce, who claims for himself the title of King of Scotland.
Alana and Iain are deployed on two opposing sides. He is one of the best men in the service of Robert Bruce, a true Warrior, in certain circumstances, even ruthless, because this is what he must be.  Destroying entire cities, sowing fear and terror in ordinary people, to make sure that in the future they think twice before taking sides in favor of the British, for him everything can be done in favor of the cause of Robert the Bruce and his loyalty has never a hesitation even in front of his attraction to Alana.
The girl instead is full of doubts and uncertainty after her encounter with Iain. Her life was really very difficult, both because of the fact of being an illegitimate daughter, and for some qualities that make her special and leave her lonely. The only person who showed affection  for her and was nearby was her grandmother. She is a Comyn, Robert Bruce's enemy and the feelings she feels for Iain put her a very difficult position. The duty to be loyal towards her family collide with her feelings for Iain.
she hides her true identity and this choice start the ups and downs of her relationship with Iain.
I can't claim them "perfect couple romance of the year". They make many mistakes, always arrive at the edge of a breakdown that seems inevitable, but in one way or another they always forgive  the other and this is their strength and the beauty of their story in the book.
There were moments in which I found very wrong Iain and his behavior with Alana, but it must be said that she sometimes it seems she is searching for trouble... The first lie told by Alana once discovered makes Iain very angry, she has the opportunity to tell him the other things that she hides, and instead she continues to omit or lie, for fear of losing  him and I have to say: "stubborn as a mule!"

What I appreciated Alana is that despite all of her uncertainties, she takes brave and dangerous choices, which do not leave for her never the chance to avoid the consequences, but to save Iain's life she's ready to do anything.
When it comes to obey his orders our dear Alana make the opposite and her stubbornness to follow her heart, to save her sisters, endangering herself and her relationship with Iain, has made me love her even more.
A passionate and compelling story.
The book actually is the 2nd book in the Scottish Medieval series by Brenda Joyce, but the great thing about these stories is that they can be read easily even as separate stories.
Not to be missed for those who love historical romance books


giovedì 1 maggio 2014

Romanticamente Fantasy Sito: calendario uscite del mese di maggio

Ecco il link dove potete trovare il calendario delle uscite dei libri previsti per il mese di maggio 2014, preparato dallo staff di Romanticamente Fantasy Sito: