Siamo di fronte al nuovo caso editoriale dell'anno, che ha conquistato l'attenzione di molte lettrici, che adesso attendono impazienti l'uscita del secondo libro, che racconterà la storia dal punto di vista di Travis, il protagonista maschile. Il passaparola si e' diffuso a macchia d'olio tramite forum di lettori e social network.
A mia volta mi sono ritrovata coinvolta dalla curiosità di leggere di questo famoso Travis, di cui tutte sono rimaste innamorate.
Il libro mi e' piaciuto, anche se in certi momenti avrei avuto una gran voglia di tirarle contro il muro e strangolare soprattutto Abby.
Non che Travis non abbia avuto i suoi momenti "asshole", ma lui per lo meno si può giustificare con fatto che e' un personaggio alla sua prima esperienza affettiva profonda, e' molto immaturo da questo punto di vista, ma nonostante questo si mette completamente a nudo di fronte alla ragazza che ama, senza temere le conseguenze di esporsi così tanto.
Lei invece veramente assurda, ho fatto veramente fatica a digerire i suoi comportamenti, l'ho trovata superficiale ed egoista, con una capacita' di ferire Travis in modo incredibile.
Scelte dell'autrice, ma certo il successo del libro non e' dovuto a lei.
E credo veramente che il secondo libro con il POV di Travis sarà incredibile.
Un altro difetto che ho trovato e' stato il modo affrettato con cui sono state raccontate le scene d'amore. Non dico dovessero essere particolareggiate come nei libri erotici, ma visto l'intensita' dei sentimenti dei due ragazzi forse raccontare le emozioni in modo un po' meno frettoloso sarebbe stato bello, più romantico.
Stupendi alcuni dei personaggi secondari come Fynch, Mare, Shep e la famiglia di Travis.
TITOLO: Beautiful Disaster (Uno splendido disastro)
AUTORE: Jamie McGuire
EDITORE: Simon & Shuster
Abby Abernathy is a good girl. She doesn’t drink or swear, and she has the appropriate number of cardigans in her wardrobe. Abby believes she has enough distance from the darkness of her past, but when she arrives at college with her best friend, her path to a new beginning is quickly challenged by Eastern University’s Walking One-Night Stand.
Travis Maddox, lean, cut, and covered in tattoos, is exactly what Abby wants—and needs—to avoid. He spends his nights winning money in a floating fight ring, and his days as the ultimate college campus charmer. Intrigued by Abby’s resistance to his appeal, Travis tricks her into his daily life with a simple bet. If he loses, he must remain abstinent for a month. If Abby loses, she must live in Travis’s apartment for the same amount of time. Either way, Travis has no idea that he has met his match.
This is the new literature case of the year, which has captivated the attention of many readers, who now cannot await for the exit of the second book, which will tell the story from the viewpoint of Travis, the male protagonist. The speaking about Beautiful Disaster has spread like wildfire through readers ' forum and social network.
Travis Maddox, lean, cut, and covered in tattoos, is exactly what Abby wants—and needs—to avoid. He spends his nights winning money in a floating fight ring, and his days as the ultimate college campus charmer. Intrigued by Abby’s resistance to his appeal, Travis tricks her into his daily life with a simple bet. If he loses, he must remain abstinent for a month. If Abby loses, she must live in Travis’s apartment for the same amount of time. Either way, Travis has no idea that he has met his match.
I found myself involved from curiosity to read about this famous Travis, of which all were in love.
I liked the book , although at certain times I had a great desire to pull against the wall and strangle the characters, especially Abby.
Not that Travis has had his moments "asshole", but I can at least justify him with the fact that for his character this is the first deep emotional experience, he is very immature in this regard, but despite this he bared his soul in front of the girl he loves, without fearing the consequences of exposing yourself so much.
On the contrary she's really absurd, I did really struggling to digest her behaviors, I found her shallow and selfish, with a capacity to hurt Travis so damn incredible.
Author's choices, but of course the success of the book is not due to her.
And I really believe that the second book with the POV of Travis will be incredible.
Another defect that I found it was so hasty in the love scenes. I'm not saying they should be detailed as in erotic books, but given the intensity of the feelings of the two guys maybe tell the emotions a little less hasty would be cool, more romantic.
Amazing some of the secondary characters as Fynch, Mare, Shep and Travis's family.
RATING: 3.5 stars
TITLE: Beautiful Disaster
AUTHOR: Jamie McGuire
EDITOR: Simon & Shuster
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