Che carino questo libro! Mentre lo leggevo mi sentivo uno dei sette nani: Gongolo. L'ho scelto solo leggendo la sinossi, non avendo letto altri libri della scrittrice e sono rimasta molto contenta! Dal titolo si può intuire che e' un libro paranormal romance, con la presenza dei miei cari vampiri, ma non solo.
L'unico desiderio di Tara Collins e' di essere una ragazza normale e vivere una vita normale, cosa un po' difficile da fare se tutti gli altri, o quasi ti desiderano morta.
La ragazza e' stata allevata da una zia eccentrica, che l'ha tenuta isolata dal mondo circostante e le ha imposto una serie di regole da rispettare con la massima serietà.
Alla morte della zia, Tara decide di prendere in mano le redini della sua vita, per prima cosa trasgredendo le regole che le sono state imposte e scopre che tutto quello che le e' stato raccontato e' una bugia.
Determinata a scoprire la realtà su se stessa assume un investigatore privato.
Christian Roth e' uno dei più rinomati investigatori di Londra, ma e' anche un vampiro e un ex cacciatore di demoni. Da anni ha abbandonato quest'ultimo ruolo, ma qualcuno proveniente dal suo passato decide di vendicarsi di lui uccidendo tutte le persone a lui più care.
Per rendere ancora più complicate le cose, sembra che i segreti collegati al passato di Tara si ricolleghino in qualche modo al suo nemico di Christian, mettendo a rischio la vita della ragazza, che tanto normale e comune non e'.
Entrambi devono fare i conti col loro passato e affrontare anche l'attrazione che li spinge l'uno verso l'altra, cosa che Tara decide di combattere con tutta se stessa, ma sembra che infrangere le sue regole oramai sia un obbligo.
La trama sicuramente non e' delle più originali per un paranormal romance, ma i personaggi sono così belli e interessanti, ricchi di un pizzico di ironia nei rapporti tra loro che e' impossibile non rimanerne catturati. Gli eventi avvengono con un ritmo sostenuto, mantenendo un livello costante di attenzione.
Ho adorato tutti i personaggi, ognuno, anche se recita il suo piccolo ruolo lascia il segno.
Christian, poi, e' il tipo di vampiro che preferisco, alpha male decisamente irresistibile e Tara con la sua spontaneità nel parlare e reagire e' una stupende controparte.
La serie si intitola The Order, quindi credo che andrà avanti nel suo seguito occupandosi degli altri personaggi presenti del libro e qui ghigno soddisfatto e sfregamento di mani da parte della sottoscritta, lo spero veramente. Li ho adorati.
Si ringraziano Netgalley e la Entangled Publishing per la gentile preview.
TITOLO: Bittersweet Blood
AUTRICE: Nina Croft
SERIE: The Order # 1
EDITORE: Entagled Publishing, LLC
How cute this book! While I was reading it I think of me as one of Whitesnow's seven dwarfs: Happy. I picked it out just reading the synopsis, not having read other Nina Croft's books and I was sooo happy! From the title you can guess that it is a paranormal romance book with the presence of my dear vampires, but not only them...
The only desire of Tara Collins is to be a normal girl and live a normal life, something a little difficult to do if everyone else, or the most, will want your dead.
The girl was raised by an eccentric aunt, who kept her isolated from the surrounding world and who imposed her a series of rules to follow with the utmost seriousness.
After the death of her aunt, Tara decides to take over the reins of her life, first by transgressing the rules that have been imposed and she discovers that all what it has been told is a lie.
Determined to discover the truth about herself she wants to hire a private investigator.
Christian Roth is one of the most famous detectives in London, but he's also a vampire and a former Hunter of demons for the Order. He left this role from a few years, but someone from his past, decides to take revenge on him by killing all the people he care for.
To make things even more complicated it seems that the secrets connected to Tara's past are somehow connected to his enemy, endangering the girl's life, that isn't so normal and common.
Both must come to terms with their past and deal with the attraction that drives them towards each other.Tara decides to fight with herself against this felings, but it seems that breaking the rules is a requirement now.
The plot is certainly not the most original for a paranormal romance, but the characters are so beautiful and interesting, rich with a hint of irony in their relations with one another that it's impossible not to be caught. The events take place with a fast pace, maintaining a constant level of attention.
I loved all the characters, someone has a little role, but leaves its mark.
Christian, then, is the kind of vampire I prefer: very irresistible alpha male, and Tara with her spontaneity in the talk and react is a superb counterpart.
The series is titled The Order, so I guess It will go ahead with the next books about the other characters featured and here my satisfied grin and rubbing of hands, I hope so, I loved the all.
Thanks to Netgalley and Entangled Publishing for book's preview
RATING: 4 stars
TITLE: Bittersweet Blood
AUTHOR: Nina Croft
SERIES: The Order # 1
PUBLISHER: Entagled Publishing, LLC
The only desire of Tara Collins is to be a normal girl and live a normal life, something a little difficult to do if everyone else, or the most, will want your dead.
The girl was raised by an eccentric aunt, who kept her isolated from the surrounding world and who imposed her a series of rules to follow with the utmost seriousness.
After the death of her aunt, Tara decides to take over the reins of her life, first by transgressing the rules that have been imposed and she discovers that all what it has been told is a lie.
Determined to discover the truth about herself she wants to hire a private investigator.
Christian Roth is one of the most famous detectives in London, but he's also a vampire and a former Hunter of demons for the Order. He left this role from a few years, but someone from his past, decides to take revenge on him by killing all the people he care for.
To make things even more complicated it seems that the secrets connected to Tara's past are somehow connected to his enemy, endangering the girl's life, that isn't so normal and common.
Both must come to terms with their past and deal with the attraction that drives them towards each other.Tara decides to fight with herself against this felings, but it seems that breaking the rules is a requirement now.
The plot is certainly not the most original for a paranormal romance, but the characters are so beautiful and interesting, rich with a hint of irony in their relations with one another that it's impossible not to be caught. The events take place with a fast pace, maintaining a constant level of attention.
I loved all the characters, someone has a little role, but leaves its mark.
Christian, then, is the kind of vampire I prefer: very irresistible alpha male, and Tara with her spontaneity in the talk and react is a superb counterpart.
The series is titled The Order, so I guess It will go ahead with the next books about the other characters featured and here my satisfied grin and rubbing of hands, I hope so, I loved the all.
Thanks to Netgalley and Entangled Publishing for book's preview
RATING: 4 stars
TITLE: Bittersweet Blood
AUTHOR: Nina Croft
SERIES: The Order # 1
PUBLISHER: Entagled Publishing, LLC
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